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1. Web Development
Working on:
10. Lesson 1: Oracle JET 4.x - Lesson 1 - Part 9: Oracle JET Cookbook
(which I highly recommend)
and using the server loadavg code I wrote and have been adding gauges. All is great so far, and I'm loving JET, but have ran into an issue.
Here is the loadavg.js code:
... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Neo
1 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am using korn shell.
until ]
echo "\$# = " $#
echo "$1"
To the above script, I passed 2 parameters and the program control doesn't enter inside "until" loop. If I change it to until ] then it does work.
Why numeric comparison is not working with -ne and works... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: ab_2010
3 Replies
3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
find . -name "05_scripts" -type d -exec mv -f {}/'*.aep\ Logs' {}/.LogFiles \;
Returns this failure:
mv: rename ./019_0120_WS_WH_gate_insideTEST/05_scripts/*.aep\ Logs to ./019_0120_WS_WH_gate_insideTEST/05_scripts/.LogFiles/*.aep\ Logs: No such file or directory
I don't know why it's trying... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: scribling
4 Replies
4. Slackware
Hello everybody,
I'm not new to slackware, but i'm new to KDE 4.
I've just installed Slackware 13.1 and found out that the new KDE desktop environment is excellent!, so i've customized it to fit my needs (Screen resolution 1024x768, wallpaper, keyboard layout and graphical effects), but when i... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: semash!
1 Replies
5. SCO
Dear friends,
Please tell me
How install ethernet hp laser print p4015n on open server sco 6.0.
Thank you,
Edgar Guevara (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Edgar Guevara
1 Replies
6. SCO
Anybody pls help me to install a hp laserjet printer to sco unix 5.0.7 (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: justintjacob
0 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Howdie everyone...
I have a shell script RemoveFiles.sh
Inside this file, it only has two commands as below:
rm -f ../../reportToday/temp/*
rm -f ../../report/*
My problem is that when i execute this script, nothing happened. Files remained unremoved. I don't see any error message as it... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: cheongww
2 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
cat .servers | while read LINE; do
ssh jason@$LINE $1
exit 1
./command.ksh "ls -l ~jason"
Why does this ONLY iterate on the first server in the list? It's not doing the command on all the servers in the list, what am I missing?
JP (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: jpeery
2 Replies
printmgr(1M) System Administration Commands printmgr(1M)
printmgr - Solaris Print Manager is a graphical user interface for managing printers in a network
Solaris Print Manager is a Java-based graphical user interface that enables you to manage local and remote printer access. This tool can be
used in the following name service environments: LDAP, NIS, NIS+, and files. You must be logged in as superuser to use this tool.
Using Solaris Printer Manager is the preferred method for managing printer access because Solaris Print Manager centralizes printer infor-
mation when it is used in a name service environment.
Adding printer information to a name service makes access to printers available to all systems on the network and generally makes printer
administration easier because all the information about printers is centralized.
Solaris Print Manager may be run on a remote system with the display sent to the local system. See the System Administration Guide:
Advanced Administration for instructions on setting the DISPLAY environment variable.
Using Solaris Print Manager to perform printer-related tasks automatically updates the appropriate printer databases. Solaris Print Manager
also includes a command-line console that displays the lp command line for the add, modify, and delete printer operations. Errors and warn-
ings may also be displayed when Printer Manager operations are performed.
Help is available by clicking the <Help> button.
Solaris Print Manager enables you to do the following tasks:
Select a Name Service
Select a name service for retrieving or changing printer information.
Add Access to a Printer
Add printer access on a printer client using Solaris Print Manager.
Add an Attached Printer
After physically attaching the printer to a system, use Solaris Print Manager to install a local printer and make it available for
Add a Network Printer
After physically attaching the printer to a system, use Solaris Print Manager to install a local printer and make it available for
Modify Printer Properties
After adding access to a printer or adding an attached or network printer, you can modify certain printer attributes.
Delete a Printer
Delete access to a printer from the print client or delete a printer from the print server or from the name service environment.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Availability |SUNWppm |
ldap(1), lpget(1M), lpset(1M), attributes(5)
System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration for information on LDAP server replication.
Although users can use the LDAP command line utilities ldapadd(1) and ldapmodify(1)to update printer entries in the directory, the pre-
ferred method is to use lpset. Otherwise, if the lpadd and lpmodify utilities are used, the administrator must ensure that the printer-name
attribute value is unique within the ou=printers container on the LDAP server. If the value is not unique, the result of modifications done
using lpset or the Solaris Print Manager, printmgr(1M) may be unpredictable.
SunOS 5.10 23 May 2003 printmgr(1M)