I guess as they say, RTFM more carefully. Just kidding.
simply gets the name of the currently executing script. The $0 is what does it, and the rest strips of the leading path names. It's useful when the script name is supposed to different things depending on how its invoked. For instance, if you have a softlink to your script named "foo" and another softlink named "bar", then your script can do print out "FU" instead of "Beyond All Recognition". Or something.
set -xv +xv are shorthand for
The first turns on "eXecution debugging". Every command that is executed, and after parsing, is printed to stderr. The second turns on "Verbose mode" which prints to stderr every line that is read in and before being parsed, whether or not it is executed.
I guess as they say, RTFM more carefully. Just kidding.
simply gets the name of the currently executing script. The $0 is what does it, and the rest strips of the leading path names. It's useful when the script name is supposed to different things depending on how its invoked. For instance, if you have a softlink to your script named "foo" and another softlink named "bar", then your script can do print out "FU" instead of "Beyond All Recognition". Or something.
set -xv +xv are shorthand for
The first turns on "eXecution debugging". Every command that is executed, and after parsing, is printed to stderr. The second turns on "Verbose mode" which prints to stderr every line that is read in and before being parsed, whether or not it is executed.
NAME=${0##*/} is a fancy awy of doing "basename $0"
$0 is a special variable that hold the name of the script (or if you doit in a loguin shell, the name of the shell), including the full path to the executable
the other ##, well, is complicated and must admit i dont know why it works, to advanced for me
if you want, you can read the "basename" man page to get a grasp of what it does
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
ls -ld htdocs
drwxr-x--- 3 root root 8192 2006-11-19 10:41 htdocs
How would a host administrator... (1 Reply)
can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work how its supposed to, its the hangman game but it doesn't play how its supposed to
function menu()
cat << menu... (1 Reply)
#! /bin/bash
USAGE=" | ]
echo "$USAGE"
exit 1
while getopts lb: OPTION
case $(OPTION)in
a) echo Hi there!
exit 2;;
b) echo hello
\?)echo "$USAGE" ;;
exit 2;;
shift `expr... (1 Reply)
#! /bin/bash
head -5 $1
echo "remove $1 ?"
read answer
echo invalid answer
rm $1
echo "$1 is deleted"
echo file is not deleted
echo "invalid answer"
What i really want this to do is to ask to delete the file or not..it says something wrong... (1 Reply)
Looking at the member list, there are alot of interesting names, some unique, some bizarre, and some that are just plain. How did you come by your name? Why did you choose your label?
Me? Well, I wish I could change mine. I chose Google because thats how I stumbled upon this site. I wasn't sure... (66 Replies)
Discussion started by: google
66 Replies
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Your posts are being deleted because your use of profanity.
I am close to changing your status to read only.
In fact, if you argue with the mods again, I will ban you from these boards.
Neo (1 Reply)
Found this piece of code written in ksh. I have no ideas what do the stuff like ${SRF##*\.} do.
if ; then
I have encountered similar expressions in other programs also. Any pointers on where to learn more about these... (1 Reply)