Tar-ring a directory

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# 1  
Old 07-09-2002
Tar-ring a directory


I am trying to tar a whole directory. My problem is that I have to omitt a special subdirectory.
Can you tell my how I am supposed to do that?

Unfortunately I am not very good in regular expressions and in programming. Smilie

Thanks for any help.

# 2  
Old 07-09-2002
You can use the X option on tar which will exclude the listed files. Build a "exclude" list inside a text file - you then point to that file when using the X option.

% cat /tmp/myfile.X
%ls -F
data.dat mydir/ otherdir/
% tar cfX /tmp/mytar.tar /tmp/myfile.X ./*
a ./data.dat
a ./otherdir
a ./otherdir/otherdata.dat

Read the man page on tar for the X option
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