Regex to pick up name from the following including carriage return at end of the line

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Regex to pick up name from the following including carriage return at end of the line
# 1  
Old 07-09-2002
Regex to pick up name from the following including carriage return at end of the line

has anyone got any suggestions how i would pick up the string as part of a substitution inclusive of the carriage return.

i want to pick up <<NAME>> from the PS output but the <<; seems to be on the line before the NAME.

Any ideas are appreciated!


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PageSV restore
# 2  
Old 07-17-2002

(<ps file output> | <the_sed_command_below...>)

sed '
/<<$/{N; s|<<\nNAME>>| **something** |;}
/\\$/t loop

This can be improved upon, but this should get you started.
# 3  
Old 07-17-2002
From the look of your data - you'd need a number of commands....becasue the <<NAME>> could be line broken at any point across the this so?






# 4  
Old 07-18-2002

According to the code above, this should be


BUT... as a catch all Smilie <w/ corrections ... my bad!>

sed '
$!{ /<<*N*A*M*E*>*$/N; }
s/<\n*<\n*N\n*A\n*M\n*E\n*>\n*>/ **something** /;
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