Originally Posted by Perderabo
I am dismayed to learn that my scripts may be in violation of the ftp standards. What specification forbids automated ftp? I musta missed that as I read the rfc's...
Sorry, if i was a little harsh yesterday (haven't had the best of days), but the main point remains: ftp is a program built for
interactive transmission of files. There are other programs built for
batch transmission of files, which are a lot easier (and more reliable) to script and are overall better suited for the task.
Nobody and nothing "forbids" using a tool for something it was not designed for (this was what I meant by "outside its specification"), only judgement and common sense. Since you like RFCs here's a quote from RFC1925: "With sufficient thrust pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a good idea." With sufficient effort nearly any tool can be brought to do anything - the question is not so much one of being
possible, but one of being
If you use http to transmit files you could use http-get to automate the process. I don't have too much experience with this tool and hence wouldn't recommend it, but from what i know it should do the job.
If you do not like the r-commands (what I can understand, btw., security isn't an issue with them and setting up a kerberos-domain for their k-ized variants is still no fun in 2005) then maybe scp is a solution for you. It is implemented with little effort, works more ore less the same like rcp from outside, with a secure transmission engine inside and the only thing you have to do is to make sure you've got a valid ticket.
Sorry again if i have stepped on anybodies toes with my last point and a special apology to Perderabo whose posts i always enjoy to read.