colors in ksh script

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# 1  
Old 05-23-2002
Power colors in ksh script


I'd like to print on screen amessage.
What can I do to print this message with blue fonts.

# 2  
Old 05-24-2002
This will work in korn shell:
print "\033[01;34m Hello \033[00m"

The \033 stands for the escape character, followed by "[01;34" (like saying turn on color, number 34, in a simple way).

To turn it off, I used "\033[00m".

You can even mix them up in one line:
print "\033[01;34m This \033[00m\033[01;25mthat \033[00mthere"

Have fun!
# 3  
Old 05-29-2002
Interesting, is there a man page or some other place that you know of that I can read about that more in depth.

# 4  
Old 05-29-2002
See my previous post on the subject:
# 5  
Old 05-29-2002
Very cool,

Is there any place I can get the color codes for different colors?
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