need urgent help

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting need urgent help
# 8  
Old 02-18-2008
I tell u the changes--

For this line:

while  getopts a:l:L:t: optvar

add a line on top, like this:

while  getopts a:l:L:t: optvar

Then, for the l) and L) options, changed this part:

if [[ $lFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
		echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
		echo "$Usage"
		echo "$Programname is terminated"
                                return $ERR;
fiif [[ $lFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
		echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
		echo "$Usage"
		echo "$Programname is terminated"
                                return $ERR;

to this:


Then, after this part (the end of getopts):

*) echo $Usage
	   return $ERR 
done*) echo $Usage
	   return $ERR 

*) echo $Usage
	   return $ERR 
if [[ $lFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
		echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
		echo "$Usage"
		echo "$Programname is terminated"
                                return $ERR;
fi*) echo $Usage
	   return $ERR 
if [[ $lFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
		echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
		echo "$Usage"
		echo "$Programname is terminated"
                                return $ERR;

This is the changes which i did.its working fine for
mt_clean -a mtBackup
and rest of the usage of the script,

but when i am trying
mt_clean -a mtDelete

its doing the same thing but it should not because for mtDelete no location i srequired.I need urgent help buddy,running out of schedule.If any doubt tell me i will try to clarify that.

# 9  
Old 02-18-2008
Originally Posted by namishtiwari
*) echo $Usage
	   return $ERR 
if [[ $lFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
		echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
		echo "$Usage"
		echo "$Programname is terminated"
                                return $ERR;
fi*) echo $Usage
	   return $ERR 
if [[ $lFlag -eq 1 ]]; then
		echo "Either option l or L should be given to $Programname"
		echo "$Usage"
		echo "$Programname is terminated"
                                return $ERR;

This is the changes which i did.its working fine for
mt_clean -a mtBackup
and rest of the usage of the script,

but when i am trying
mt_clean -a mtDelete

its doing the same thing but it should not because for mtDelete no location i srequired.I need urgent help buddy,running out of schedule.If any doubt tell me i will try to clarify that.

Why dont you enhance your condition to check the flag for the required action then proceed accordingly ?

And yes, I dont think the mention of the word 'urgent' in your post would actually help you get the solution faster.
# 10  
Old 02-18-2008
I have attached my script,if you want to have a look on that.This will give a better picture.
# 11  
Old 02-18-2008
I was able to resolve the problem.Thanks all you guys for your valueable inputs.

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