wc -l, wc -w,we -c

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# 1  
Old 02-14-2008
wc -l, wc -w,we -c


I have the following in the file

I love scripting
I love Unix

I know how to use wc in unix to figure out words, characters, lines

but how about Perl, what approach should I take?
# 2  
Old 02-15-2008
Originally Posted by james94538
I know how to use wc in unix to figure out words, characters, lines

but how about Perl, what approach should I take?
Lots of different approaches. I'll try some that won't win any obfuscation contests:

my $cnt=0; 
while ($_=<>) { $cnt++; } 
print $cnt,"\n";

Words: (loosely defined as whitespace-delimited tokens)
my $cnt=0;
while ($_=<>) { $cnt+= scalar( split ); }
print $cnt,"\n";

Words: (defined as whitespace-delimited tokens containing a letter)
my $cnt=0;
while ($_=<>) { $cnt+= s/\b\S*[a-zA-Z]+\S*\b//; }
print $cnt,"\n";

Characters: (not including line-feeds, but including all others, ie, whitespace)
my $cnt=0;
while ($_=<>) { chop; $cnt+= length($_); }
print $cnt,"\n";

Characters: (not including whitespace)
my $cnt=0;
while ($_=<>) { chop; s/\s//g; $cnt+= length($_); }
print $cnt,"\n";

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