extract a particular start and end pattern from a line

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting extract a particular start and end pattern from a line
# 8  
Old 02-07-2008

thanks this is working....
can u explain me the cmd.....
is there another way to do it...may be thru sed

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pdfseparate(1)						      General Commands Manual						    pdfseparate(1)

pdfseparate - Portable Document Format (PDF) page extractor SYNOPSIS
pdfseparate [options] PDF-file PDF-page-pattern DESCRIPTION
pdfseparate extract single pages from a Portable Document Format (PDF). pdfseparate reads the PDF file PDF-file, extracts one or more pages, and writes one PDF file for each page to PDF-page-pattern, PDF-page- pattern should contain %d The PDF-file should not be encrypted. OPTIONS
-f number Specifies the first page to extract. If -f is omitted, extraction starts with page 1. -l number Specifies the last page to extract. if -p is omitted, extraction ends with the last page. -v Print copyright and version information. -h Print usage information. (-help and --help are equivalent.) EXAMPLE
pdfseparate sample.pdf sample-%d.pdf extracts all pages from sample.pdf, if i.e. sample.pdf has 3 pages, it produces sample-1.pdf, sample-2.pdf, sample-3.pdf AUTHOR
The pdfseparate software and documentation are copyright 1996-2004 Glyph & Cog, LLC and copyright 2005-2011 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org SEE ALSO
pdfunite(1), 15 September 2011 pdfseparate(1)