perl -write values in a file to @array in perl

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# 8  
Old 02-04-2008
print fh "$count";
print fh "$last_rec";

print fh "$count" . "\n";
print fh "$last_rec" . "\n";

# 9  
Old 02-04-2008
Originally Posted by matrixmadhan

print fh "$count" . "\n";
print fh "$last_rec" . "\n";

It worked!!... thanks a lot..
# 10  
Old 02-04-2008
This is a bit of a nit-pick....

Try and use concatenation only when necessary, it is a slower process than just constructing an annonymous string:

print fh "$count\n";
print fh "$last_rec\n";

or print expects a list so using the comma operator is also a better option

print fh "$count", "\n";
print fh "$last_rec", "\n";
# 11  
Old 07-17-2008
$_=~ tr/\n//d;
push(@arr, $_); 
print join("|",@arr);

# 12  
Old 07-17-2008
Originally Posted by summer_cherry
$_=~ tr/\n//d;
push(@arr, $_); 
print join("|",@arr);

That is a bad solution for such a simple problem. Use chomp instead of tr to remove end of line record seperators, it is way more efficient for that purpose. And using push() just slows down reading the file into an array, which perl does automatically when the filehandle is output in list context:

@array = <FH>;
# 13  
Old 07-17-2008

ahhh...why are you digging up old threads and posting ancient perl code anyway? You dug up a thread from 2001 (not this one) and posted a reply, not even the correct one!
# 14  
Old 12-19-2008
MySQL try this

open ( FH,">jas");
print FH '$count';
print FH '$last';
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