extract specific data from xml format file.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting extract specific data from xml format file.
# 1  
Old 01-15-2008
extract specific data from xml format file.


I need to extract the start time value (bold, red font) under the '<LogEvent ID="Timer Start">' tag (black bold) from a file with the following pattern. There are other LogEventIDs listed in the file as well, making it harder for me to extract out the specific start time that I need.

<LogEvent ID="Timer Start">
<LogEventProperty Name="Event Type" ID="Event Type"><![CDATA[Timer Start]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Start Date" ID="Start Date"><![CDATA[12/13/2007]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Start Time" ID="Start Time"><![CDATA[19:04:52]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="End Date" ID="End Date"><![CDATA[12/13/2007]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="End Time" ID="End Time"><![CDATA[19:04:52]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Result" ID="Result"><![CDATA[ ]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Failure Reason" ID="Failure Reason"><![CDATA[ ]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Failure Description" ID="Failure Description"></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Command ID" ID="Virtual Tester Command ID"><![CDATA[SUBMIT MESSAGES1RCF/MH541/10JUL0700/FRA/]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester First Time Stamp" ID="Virtual Tester First Time Stamp"><![CDATA[74718]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Line Number" ID="Virtual Tester Line Number"><![CDATA[1084]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Operating System" ID="Operating System"><![CDATA[Windows]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="OS Version" ID="OS Version"><![CDATA[2003]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Processor" ID="Processor"><![CDATA[Pentium]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Display Resolution" ID="Display Resolution"><![CDATA[1024x768]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Display Color Bits" ID="Display Color Bits"><![CDATA[32]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="OS Service Pack" ID="OS Service Pack"><![CDATA[Service Pack 1]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Memory Size" ID="Memory Size"><![CDATA[2048]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Processor Number" ID="Processor Number"><![CDATA[4]]></LogEventProperty>

<LogEvent ID="Emulation Command">
<LogEventProperty Name="Event Type" ID="Event Type"><![CDATA[Emulation Command]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Start Date" ID="Start Date"><![CDATA[12/13/2007]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Start Time" ID="Start Time"><![CDATA[19:04:54]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="End Date" ID="End Date"><![CDATA[12/13/2007]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="End Time" ID="End Time"><![CDATA[19:04:54]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Result" ID="Result"><![CDATA[Pass]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Failure Reason" ID="Failure Reason"><![CDATA[ ]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Failure Description" ID="Failure Description"></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Command ID" ID="Virtual Tester Command ID"><![CDATA[FSUBase~064]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester First Time Stamp" ID="Virtual Tester First Time Stamp"><![CDATA[76093]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Last Time Stamp" ID="Virtual Tester Last Time Stamp"><![CDATA[76109]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Line Number" ID="Virtual Tester Line Number"><![CDATA[1088]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Operating System" ID="Operating System"><![CDATA[Windows]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="OS Version" ID="OS Version"><![CDATA[2003]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Processor" ID="Processor"><![CDATA[Pentium]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Display Resolution" ID="Display Resolution"><![CDATA[1024x768]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Display Color Bits" ID="Display Color Bits"><![CDATA[32]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="OS Service Pack" ID="OS Service Pack"><![CDATA[Service Pack 1]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Memory Size" ID="Memory Size"><![CDATA[2048]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Processor Number" ID="Processor Number"><![CDATA[4]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEvent ID="Env Variable Change">
<LogEventProperty Name="Event Type" ID="Event Type"><![CDATA[Env Variable Change]]></LogEventProperty>

I am currently trying to do it using commands like awk, sed and grep.. but since time is running out (and am not really good in scripting), I appreciate any help offered for me to complete this task.

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 01-15-2008
Some points to add..

There are 3 other Log Event IDs that contains the word 'Start':

[root@sysh /home/share/gfsu]# more firstRun1_1905_131207.rtpar |grep "LogEvent ID" | grep Start | more
<LogEvent ID="Suite Start">
<LogEvent ID="User Start">
<LogEvent ID="Script Start">
<LogEvent ID="Timer Start">

Last edited by 60doses; 01-15-2008 at 05:50 AM..
# 3  
Old 01-15-2008
Uhmm.. forgot another thing.. I will only need to take the start time if the status is 'send messages', and not 'submit messages'.

Here's another portion from the file:

<LogEvent ID="Timer Start">
<LogEventProperty Name="Event Type" ID="Event Type"><![CDATA[Timer Start]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Start Date" ID="Start Date"><![CDATA[12/13/2007]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Start Time" ID="Start Time"><![CDATA[19:04:46]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="End Date" ID="End Date"><![CDATA[12/13/2007]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="End Time" ID="End Time"><![CDATA[19:04:46]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Result" ID="Result"><![CDATA[ ]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Failure Reason" ID="Failure Reason"><![CDATA[ ]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Failure Description" ID="Failure Description"></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Command ID" ID="Virtual Tester Command ID"><![CDATA[send messagesRCF/MH541/10JUL0700/FRA/T20]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester First Time Stamp" ID="Virtual Tester First Time Stamp"><![CDATA[68798]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Virtual Tester Line Number" ID="Virtual Tester Line Number"><![CDATA[1177]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Operating System" ID="Operating System"><![CDATA[Windows]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="OS Version" ID="OS Version"><![CDATA[2003]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Processor" ID="Processor"><![CDATA[Pentium]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Display Resolution" ID="Display Resolution"><![CDATA[1024x768]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Display Color Bits" ID="Display Color Bits"><![CDATA[32]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="OS Service Pack" ID="OS Service Pack"><![CDATA[Service Pack 1]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Memory Size" ID="Memory Size"><![CDATA[2048]]></LogEventProperty>
<LogEventProperty Name="Processor Number" ID="Processor Number"><![CDATA[4]]></LogEventProperty>
# 4  
Old 01-15-2008
but since time is running out
Hmm.. this is not good

Based on the example posted above try this,

sed -n '/Start Time/s/^.*CDATA\[\(.*\)]].*$/\1/p' filename

but there are 2 records which match the criteria
# 5  
Old 01-15-2008
Yea.. just got the stuff in the morning, and I only have merely 12hours before submitting the report. Gah.

Thanks for your reply, but your code is nice enough to extract out the time, and I won't be needing all. Need it to match these 2 cases:

1) LogEvent ID ="Timer Start"
2) <![CDATA[send messages

What if I just want to extract the whole LogEvent ID="Timer Start"?

From <LogEvent ID="Timer Start"> to </LogEvent>.
# 6  
Old 01-15-2008
What if I just want to extract the whole LogEvent ID="Timer Start"?

From <LogEvent ID="Timer Start"> to </LogEvent>.

awk '/LogEvent ID="Timer Start"/ {print} BEGIN {i=0} /LogEvent ID="Timer Start"/ {while (i<20) {getline; print $0; i++} i=0}' firstRun1_1905_131207.rtpar

Let me know if there's better solution.

# 7  
Old 01-16-2008
So uhmm.. I only have to extract the time (i.e. 19:04:46) which is located few lines before the pattern 'send messages'. Am trying couple of commands but it doesn't work Smilie

Help, anyone?

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