Need Help: Collecting similar messages in a file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need Help: Collecting similar messages in a file
# 1  
Old 01-14-2008
Need Help: Collecting similar messages in a file

Hi All,

Since i am very new to shell scripting, i need help from you guys.
Suppose there is a file containing:

Log message:


Log message:


Log message:


Log message:


Log message:


Now i want to create different files containing info about same log messages,which means new files should be created like this:
containing info1..info2..info3..

containing info1..info2..

Hoping to get reply soon.Smilie
# 2  
Old 01-16-2008
Try this:

     for each in `sed -n '/Log message:/{n;p;}' filename | sort | uniq`
        sed -n '/'$each'/{n;p;n;p;n;p;n;p;n;p;}' filename >${each}_log_message

# 3  
Old 01-16-2008
With Awk:

awk '/^Log message:/{close(f);getline;f=$0"_log_message";next}{print>f}' filename

Use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris.
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