how to arrange 3 file to one using awk...?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to arrange 3 file to one using awk...?
# 8  
Old 01-09-2008

Originally Posted by ghostdog74
not that it matters unless there's a performance issue for large files, you can do away with the cat. use file indirection to the while loop instead. cuts down one process Smilie
Good point! UUoC I believe Smilie
Well spotted!
# 9  
Old 01-17-2008
hello, I got stuck again,
how to make this table convert horizontally :

userA var1 1000
userA var1 1200
userA var2 2000
userA var2 1000
userB var2 3000
userB var3 4000
userB var3 2000
userB var4 5000
userC var1 6000

become like this table :
userA 2200 3000 0 0
userB 0 3000 6000 5000
userC 6000 0 0 0

with this format :
user (sum col3 where col2=var1 && col1=user) (sum col3 where col2=var2 && col1=user) (sum col3 where col2=var3 && col1=user) (sum col3 where col2=var4 && col1=user)

very very thanks again for your helps.....

# 10  
Old 01-17-2008
please correct my script with more efficient sript :

awk '
else if($2=="var2")
else if($2=="var3")
else if($2=="var4")
for(i in user)
        print user[i]" "userv[i"1"]" "userv[i"2"]" "userv[i"3"]" "userv[i"4"]
' file file

thank you...
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