How to print only lines in between two strings using awk

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# 1  
Old 01-08-2008
How to print only lines in between two strings using awk


I want to print only lines in between two strings and not the strings using awk.

top 2
bottom 1
left 0
right 0
page 66
I want to print into a new file only
top 2
bottom 1
left 0
right 0
page 66

Thanks in Advance
# 2  
Old 01-08-2008
awk /OUTPUT/,/END/ filename|grep -v 'OUTPUT^JEND'


awk /OUTPUT/,/END/ filename|grep -v 'OUTPUT
# 3  
Old 01-08-2008
there's a standard algo for doing this. turning on/off a flag
while read line
 case $line in 
  OUTPUT*) f=1; continue ;;
  END* ) f=0
 if [ "$f" -eq 1 ]; then
    echo $line 
done < "file"

# 4  
Old 01-08-2008
In awk:
awk ' /OUTPUT/ {flag=1;next} /END/{flag=0} flag { print }' file

# 5  
Old 01-11-2008


I think this one is easy.

sed -e '1,/OUTPUT/d' -e '/END/,$d' file

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