grep using date format

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# 1  
Old 12-24-2007
grep using date format

i have few persistance apps like below

pipe 1118370 1200312 0 Dec 18 - 192:03 java - _AppName=DBSyncController

pipe 2523376 1568906 0 feb 25 - 386:15 java -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -D_AppName=DBMaint com

pipe 7462996 2531452 0 march 18 - 23:22 java -D_AppName=Interpolation

pipe 3379242 7631092 0 may 18 - 27:50 java -D_AppName=Archiver2

i want to grep these apps using the above date format.i have written the script but its showing me todays date as dec 24


if test -f dates
rm dates
echo " "

for i in DBSyncController DBSyncControllerRerun Archiver1 DBSyncListener Archiver2 Cleaner1 Interpolation
a=`date +"%h %d"`
echo $a "\t" $i >> dates
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> dates

for i in DBSyncController DBSyncControllerRerun Archiver1 DBSyncListener Archiver2 Cleaner1 Interpolation
a=`date +"%h"`
ps -aef | grep java | grep "$a" | grep $i >> dates

i think some problem in date logic,help me in this
# 2  
Old 12-24-2007
I didn't Understand what you mean above date format. Do you mean
Mount Day - hour:second. What about the other date format that you don't want to catch in your ps -ef command. Besides that you can not use
date in this example date means todays date. if you send your ps -ef command's output which shows the date format that you want to catch and also the ones you dont want to catch together we can find the solution
# 3  
Old 12-24-2007
Your requirements are somewhat unclear. If you want to capture the date in the
format outputted by ps, here is one way of doing it.

Create a file (e.g. date.awk) containing the following lines

  /java/ && /DBSyncController/ { print $5, $6 }
  /java/ && /DBSyncControllerRerun/ { print $5, $6 }
  /java/ && /Archiver1/ { print $5, $6 }
  /java/ && /DBSyncListener/ { print $5, $6 }
  /java/ && /Archiver2/ { print $5, $6 }
  /java/ && /Cleaner1/ { print $5, $6 }
  /java/ && /Interpolation/ { print $5, $6 }

and then replace your loop with

ps -aef | awk -f date.awk >> dates

# 4  
Old 12-26-2007
actually wats the date format to be used ,if date is like march 20,feb 12.and like wise

how do u grep this word in below logic

a=`date +"%h %d"`
# 5  
Old 12-26-2007
outputs of ps are columns of strings,parameters. You can not use date as you intend, you must use a way like fmurphys. Firts send all or a sample part of output oF ps -ef with no grep " I mean ps -ef " . Point out our underline the lines that you want. After this say what will you do with this output. Then I thing the solution will be simple
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