I have written a script which calls a stored procrdure. The Stored procedure has 2 inputs and 6 outputs. I need to capture one of the outputs.
But I am not able to get any result from this simple script-
! /bin/ksh
echo "connect to dbau user etlbitst using anf1892;" > /tmp/Nscript3.sql
echo "call CORRTEST.XSD060('${1}', '${2}',?,?,?,?,?,?);" >> /tmp/Nscript3.sql
db2 -tvf /tmp/Nscript3.sql -z /tmp/Nscript3.out > /dev/null
OutPut2=`head -12 /tmp/Nscript3.out | tail -1`
rm -f /tmp/Nscript3.out
RtrnCode=`echo $OutPut2 | cut -c3-19`
echo $RtrnCode
please let me know if there is any mistake.....