Creating a menu within a script file

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# 1  
Old 12-10-2007
Creating a menu within a script file

I am very new to Unix and know the basic commands. I have to write a script file and I'm completely lost. The script file is to show the following at the beginning:

Menu of Options

1. Display all files in a user's home directory.
2. Welcome yourself to the program.
3. Display System Information
4. Exit back to Windows

I have been able to get this to display by use of the echo command. Beyond that, I have no idea what to do. I have search endlessly online for a way to create a menu in Unix and this is all I have to show for it. I also need a line that says "Please enter your choice." Once the user enters a choice, I have no idea how to write the various commands to perform what needs to be done.

Options 3 and 4 seem straightforward if I could get started. However, in option 1 the following criteria have to be met:

1. Display all files in a user's home directory. This should allow the user to look at any user's home directory, provided they enter the correct user name.
2. Put in a safeguard that if the user does not enter a name, that the current user's home directories display.

I have no idea how to work with Option 2.

I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone would please help me with this. Thank you.
# 2  
Old 12-10-2007
have a look at this

print "Select a terminal type"
print -n "Which would you prefer? "
read termchoice

# this kind of code will let you display a menu and get input.
# and then use a case statmet to do each menu item selected.

case $termchoice
print "do stuff for a sun terminal"
print "do other stuff for a ansi terminal"
print "do stuff for a wyse terminal"
print "Invalid option, Please try again. Use ’1’-’3’"

Last edited by robsonde; 12-10-2007 at 12:51 AM..
# 3  
Old 12-10-2007


Thank you for the reply, but I'm still confused after reading it. For example, I have no idea what the "cat << ENDINPUT" means. What do "sun," "ansi," and "wyse50" have to do with anything? It would be much easier if you could use the information I provided to include with your response.

I can kinda figure out that "termchoice" relates to the selection that the user makes from the menu. However, you then have "sun", ansi, and wyse50 followed by a single parentheses on the following line. I don't get that at all either. Please provide an example that has to do with the information I gave. I could understand that much better. Thank you.
# 4  
Old 12-10-2007
The example he's given is just that - an example. Start by adapting that to get you close to what you need then we can help make the changes to get it just right.

Just means to output to the screen everything up until 'ENDINPUT'. It's just an easier way to print multiple lines.
the ';;' within each case tells the script to stop checking the rest of the case options once it gets a match.

Last edited by Smiling Dragon; 12-10-2007 at 01:01 AM.. Reason: Explanation of ;;
# 5  
Old 12-10-2007
while true
print "What do you need to do today?"

cat << ENDINPUT # this is the start of a "here document"
1. Display all files in a user's home directory.
2. Welcome yourself to the program.
3. Display System Information
4. Exit back to Windows
ENDINPUT # this marks the end of the "here document"

print -n "Please enter your choice."
read option

case $option # this is a case statment , much like many if/then statments
print "here we do all the code for option 1"
print "here we do all the code for option 2"
print "here we do all the code for option 3"
print "here we do all the code for option 4"
exit 0 # this will exit back to the shell

*) # this line will catch anything other than 1-4 options.
print "Invalid option, Please try again. Use ’1’-’4’"
esac # this ugly bit is the end marker of the case statment.

for more infomation on the "here document" stuff have a read on google.
BTW this code is untested and so probly has bugs :-)
# 6  
Old 12-10-2007


Thanks again. I'm now able to get the menu to display and I'm starting to slowly understand what you're posting. However, after the second "endinput", I have print -n "Please make a choice:" The problem is that when I run the program it says this:

print: Command not found.

I'd appreciate your help with this.
# 7  
Old 12-10-2007
Originally Posted by sinjin
print: Command not found.

I'd appreciate your help with this.

try echo insted of print.
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