test for directory being subdir of another directory

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting test for directory being subdir of another directory
# 1  
Old 12-04-2007
test for directory being subdir of another directory

I've been using the following code to make sure a shell script only runs under a "safe" directory.
#...[top].[ subdir.sh ]......................................................#
if [ X"${2}" = "X" ];
  echo -e "\a.\n..\n...\n...subdir.sh parent subdir\n...\n..\n.";
  sub=${2};  # oops...    2, not 1...
  sub_size=${#2}; # oops...   2, not 1...
  # if sub_size is less than dir_size, it can't be under parent.
  if [ ${sub_size} -lt ${dir_size} ];
    echo -e ".\n..\n...\n... sub_size -lt dir_size\n...\n..\.";
  # substring sub to dir_size to then compare sub and dir
  xdir="$(echo ${sub} | head -c ${dir_size})";
  if [ ${dir} = ${xdir} ];
    echo -e ".\n..\n...\n... ${sub} IS a subdir of ${dir}\n...\n..\n.";
    echo -e ".\n..\n...\n... ${sub} is NOT a subdir of ${dir}\n...\n..\n.";
#...[end].[ subdir.sh ]......................................................#

Last edited by hackware; 12-05-2007 at 12:12 AM.. Reason: # oops... 2 not 1...
# 2  
Old 12-04-2007
I'd suggest using grep instead:
if echo "$1" | egrep "^$2" then ; echo "ok" ; else ; echo "not ok" ; fi

# 3  
Old 12-04-2007
so ^$2 is a SUBDIRECTORY of $1...?
# 4  
Old 12-04-2007
(a) does not work with symbolic links,

(b) or with a partial relative path for one, and full path for other.
# 5  
Old 12-04-2007
Originally Posted by Smiling Dragon
I'd suggest using grep instead:
if echo "$1" | egrep "^$2" then ; echo "ok" ; else ; echo "not ok" ; fi

this is a bit restrictive.
how 'bout:
if echo "/tmp/foo/bar/fred" | egrep "/fred[/]*"; then  echo "ok" ; else  echo "not ok" ; fi

if echo "/tmp/foo/bar/fred" | egrep "/foo[/]*"; then  echo "ok" ; else  echo "not ok" ; fi

if echo "/tmp/foo/barbaz/fred" | egrep "/bar[/]*"; then  echo "ok" ; else  echo "not ok" ; fi

# 6  
Old 12-04-2007
Not sure what you're getting at there v'ger.
I'm pretty sure the OP is looking for subdirs - ie subtrings that both start at character 0 (thus the ^ symbol).

Adding the [/]* to the end of the subdir search is a good idea though. Possibly enforcing it would be better still to prevent the issue you showed (/barbaz/ vs /bar/).
# 7  
Old 12-04-2007
Originally Posted by Smiling Dragon
Not sure what you're getting at there v'ger.
I'm pretty sure the OP is looking for subdirs - ie subtrings that both start at character 0 (thus the ^ symbol).
Hmmm....... not sure if that was the OP's intent, but I've been known to wrong before.
Originally Posted by Smiling Dragon
Adding the [/]* to the end of the subdir search is a good idea though. Possibly enforcing it would be better still to prevent the issue you showed (/barbaz/ vs /bar/).
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