compare file

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# 8  
Old 12-11-2007
To get you started, to get something that _looks_ like the format of the files in 'file_for_compare' you can use date +%Y%m%d
The dir_for_compare one is much the same deal, just build up a string from thge %<letter> symbols and spaces.
# 9  
Old 12-11-2007

This one is really a difficult one. Anyway, please try my follow one, hope it is ok for you. Here i am ok

echo "Please input the directory"
read dir
ls -l $dir > dir_temp
date1=`date +"%y%m%d"`
date2=`date +"%b %d"`
sed 's/;/ /g' file_for_compare > file_for_compare_temp
nawk -v d1="$date1" -v d2="$date2" '{
if (NF==2)
if (NF>2)
	temp=sprintf("%s %s",$6,$7)
print "file_for_compare have but directory_for_compare do not have "
for (i in file)
		print i
print "file_for_compare do not have but directory_for_compare have"
for (j in dir)
		print j
}' file_for_compare_temp dir_temp
rm file_for_compare_temp dir_temp

# 10  
Old 12-12-2007
Here goes:



ls -ltr ${d}/*.* |grep "$(date "+%b %e")" |awk '{print $9}' |awk -F/ '{print $NF}' > $x
grep ";$(date "+%Y%m%d")" ${f} |cut -d";" -f1 > $y
echo "file_for_compare do not have but directory_for_compare have"
diff $x $y |grep "<" |cut -d"<" -f2 |tr -d " "
echo "file_for_compare have but directory_for_compare do not have"
diff $x $y |grep ">" |cut -d">" -f2 |tr -d " "
# 11  
Old 12-12-2007
can useSmilie

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