What is $PROD ? Does it represent some Unix directory?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting What is $PROD ? Does it represent some Unix directory?
# 1  
Old 02-08-2002
What is $PROD ? Does it represent some Unix directory?

Hi ,
Could u tell me What is $PROD ? Does it represent some Unix directory?

Ashish Malviya
# 2  
Old 02-08-2002
It would help us greatly if you could give us some information about your environment.

What OS? What type of system. Some general info about your box.

You can try typing: echo $PROD. If it is an environment variable, it will give you some output. If not, it will give you an error like this.

root:/> echo $PROD
sh: PROD: Parameter not set.
# 3  
Old 02-11-2002
Thanks I got it.

Thanks a lot. I got it's value by using echo $PROD .

I think it was a environment variable set by administrator.
Once again thanks for your help.


Ashish Malviya
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