MAILX question

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# 1  
Old 10-30-2007
MAILX question

Hello, I am using the following mailx command wich works well. I want to also include output from a log file in the mail body. How can this be done?

echo `date +"%m/%d/%Y %T"` "$P: The Purge Routine Has Started." | mailx -s "The Purge RoutineHas Started: `date`" $EMAIL

This script is sending it's output to PurgeArchiveDir.out, which I want to include as output in the body of the mail.

Thank you.

# 2  
Old 10-30-2007
easiest way without too much of code change would be :

uuencode PurgeArchiveDir.out PurgeArchiveDir.out|mailx -s "`date +%m/%d/%Y %T` $P: The Purge Routine Has Started." $EMAIL

This would put the purge has started message in the subject and attach the logfile ...

Hope this helps ....
# 3  
Old 10-31-2007
Vj, I will try this. Thank you very much for your input.

# 4  
Old 10-31-2007
Here is also a reference to having both a body and an attachment in an e-mail:
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