seeking help with shell script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting seeking help with shell script
# 1  
Old 10-04-2007
seeking help with shell script

I am trying to update a script which I had created to monitor tablespace usage.
Originally the sql spooled out to a text file anything with more than 75% used.
I have been asked to change this.
Now the sql must spool out all tablespaces.
The script I have to write should scan the file for values over 75% and if it encounters any it sends a high importance/priority email to the DBAs.
If no values above 75 are enountered it just sends out an informational email.
The bit I am having trouble with is the files scan for values 75 and over.
Any ideas from anyone?
# 2  
Old 10-04-2007
Would be of assistance to yourself to provide some insight as to type of shell you are using, platform and what you have so far in the way of your script.

# 3  
Old 10-12-2007
Got it sussed.

The script I have is as follows from AIX 5L.
The bit i was trying to figure out is in bold. Took a bit of experimentation to get it right.

export PATH

export DISTRIBUTION='****@*******'

export TODAY=`date +'%d/%B/%Y'`
export TNS_NAME
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0
export warning_limit=75

PASSWORD=`grep $TNS_NAME ~oracle/dba_scripts/PASSWORDS/secure |cut -f2`

cd /oracle/dba_scripts

sqlplus /nolog <<EOF

connect system/$PASSWORD@$TNS_NAME

export TBS_WARNINGS=`cat percent_used1.txt | awk '{print $2}'|sort -u -n -r|head -n1`
if [ $TBS_WARNINGS -ge $warning_limit ]
mailx -s"***CRITICAL*** Space report for "$TNS_NAME" on "$TODAY DISTRIBUTION < percent_used1.txt
mailx -s"Space report for "$TNS_NAME" on "$TODAY $DISTRIBUTION < percent_used1.txt

sleep 120
rm /oracle/dba_scripts/percent_used1.txt
exit 1
# 4  
Old 10-12-2007
Originally Posted by Niadh
I am trying to update a script which I had created to monitor tablespace usage.
Originally the sql spooled out to a text file anything with more than 75% used.
I have been asked to change this.

Now the sql must spool out all tablespaces.
The script I have to write should scan the file for values over 75% and if it encounters any it sends a high importance/priority email to the DBAs.
If no values above 75 are enountered it just sends out an informational email.
The bit I am having trouble with is the files scan for values 75 and over.
Any ideas from anyone?
Can you please provide the existing sql which use to spool only 75% used space, so that we can look insight what type of files it generating.....and then we could trace to write the script
# 5  
Old 10-17-2007
Problem sorted

I got the Unix script sorted.
See my second post.

The script above produces the email as I needed.
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