execute a .jil file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting execute a .jil file
# 1  
Old 10-03-2007
execute a .jil file

hello all,

Could anyone please suggest me as to how could we execute a .jil file.

Thanks in advance for your help.
# 2  
Old 10-03-2007

google .jil file

It appears to be Java in Lisp and needs the JDK
# 3  
Old 10-03-2007
.jil fileS basically contain Autosys JOB used for job scheduling.
You can't execute .jil file directly instead do the following thing --
1-- submit your jil to autosys database using : jil<your_autosys_jilfile.jil
this command will transfer all your jil contents to autosys database.

2-- Once jill will successfully submitted to database
Run the JOB inside that JIL using following command

4-- autorep -J JOBNAME -- To view the job

Last edited by jambesh; 10-03-2007 at 09:40 AM.. Reason: spelling mistake
# 4  
Old 10-05-2007

Originally Posted by jambesh
.jil fileS basically contain Autosys JOB used for job scheduling.
You can't execute .jil file directly instead do the following thing --
1-- submit your jil to autosys database using : jil<your_autosys_jilfile.jil
this command will transfer all your jil contents to autosys database.

2-- Once jill will successfully submitted to database
Run the JOB inside that JIL using following command

4-- autorep -J JOBNAME -- To view the job

Hey cool....it works..
Thanks a bunch..
# 5  
Old 10-05-2007
Hey..thank you so much....
Have a great weekend..:-)
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