Increminting a number

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# 8  
Old 01-03-2002
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List files with number to select based on number

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Hi I want to use awk to match where field 3 contains a number within string - then print the line and just the number as a new field. The source file is pipe delimited and looks something like 1|net|ABC Letr1|1530||| 1|net|EXP_1040 ABC|1121||| 1|net|EXP_TG1224|1122||| 1|net|R_North|1123|||... (5 Replies)
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Input file: ID_34 2E-69 2324 ID_1 0E0 3254 ID_1 0E0 5434 ID_5 0E0 436 ID_1 1E-14 2524 ID_1 5E-52 46437 ID_3 65E-20 45467 ID_1 0E0 6578 ... Desired output file: ID_1 0E0 6578 ID_1 0E0 5434 ID_1 0E0 3254 ID_1 5E-52 46437 ID_1 1E-14 2524 ID_3 65E-20 45467 (5 Replies)
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4. Shell Programming and Scripting

The difference between end number in the early row and the start number in the next

Hi Power User, I'm trying to compute this kind of text file format: file1: jakarta 100 150 jakarta 170 210 beijing 220 250 beijing 260 280 beijing 290 320 new_york 330 350 new_york 370 420 tokyo 430 470 tokyo 480 ... (2 Replies)
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5. Shell Programming and Scripting

AWK print number of records, divide this number

I would like to print the number of records of 2 files, and divide the two numbers awk '{print NR}' file1 > output1 awk '{print NR}' file2 > output2 paste output1 output2 > output awl '{print $1/$2}' output > output_2 is there a faster way? (8 Replies)
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8 Replies

6. Shell Programming and Scripting

Perl : print the sequence number without missing number

Dear Perl users, I need your help to solve my problem below. I want to print the sequence number without missing number within the range. E.g. my sequence number : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 my desired output: 1 -8 , 11-14 my code below but still problem with the result: 1 - 14 1 -... (2 Replies)
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changing number in bash (number is in form of string)

I have a txt file as database. when i run my program what it does is it ask me for 3 name and stored in the file as name1:name2:name3:1 when u enter 3 name it add those in file as above format and add 1 at the end. I what i want is if i enter same names again it changes that 1 to 2 and so... (3 Replies)
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting

how to add the number of row and count number of rows

Hi experts a have a very large file and I need to add two columns: the first one numbering the incidence of records and the another with the total count The input file: 21 2341 A 21 2341 A 21 2341 A 21 2341 C 21 2341 C 21 2341 C 21 2341 C 21 4567 A 21 4567 A 21 4567 C ... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: juelillo
6 Replies

9. Shell Programming and Scripting

Number lines of file and assign variable to each number

I have a file with a list of config files numbered on the lefthand side 1-300. I need to have bash read each lines number and assign it to a variable so it can be chosen by the user called by the script later. Ex. 1 some data 2 something else 3 more stuff which number do you... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: glev2005
1 Replies
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rcsfreeze(1)															      rcsfreeze(1)

rcsfreeze - freeze a configuration of sources checked in under RCS SYNOPSIS
rcsfreeze [name] DESCRIPTION
rcsfreeze assigns a symbolic revision number to a set of RCS files that form a valid configuration. The idea is to run rcsfreeze each time a new version is checked in. A unique symbolic name (C_number, where number is increased each time rcsfreeze is run) is then assigned to the most recent revision of each RCS file of the main trunk. An optional name argument to rcsfreeze gives a symbolic name to the configuration. The unique identifier is still generated and is listed in the log file but it will not appear as part of the symbolic revision name in the actual RCS files. A log message is requested from the user for future reference. The shell script works only on all RCS files at one time. All changed files must be checked in already. Run rcsclean(1) first and see whether any sources remain in the current directory. RESTRICTIONS
rcsfreeze does not check whether any sources are checked out and modified. Although both source file names and RCS file names are accepted, they are not paired as usual with RCS commands. Error checking is rudimentary. rcsfreeze is just an optional example shell script, and should not be taken too seriously. See CVS for a more complete solution. FILES
version number log messages, most recent first IDENTIFICATION
Author: Stephan v. Bechtolsheim SEE ALSO
co(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rlog(1) rcsfreeze(1)