Can I improve this script ???

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Can I improve this script ???
# 8  
Old 10-22-2002
Thanks Auswipe, will try it tomorrow and I do appreciate the consideration.
However I don't know a scrap of perl and would really like to complete what I started with this script - I hope you understand.

Will more than likely start learning perl & awk after my holidays - say mid December.
# 9  
Old 10-22-2002
I think that your ksh has a bug. This should work:
and the above code will continue to work once if your ksh if updated.

And don't set xdfThold to 95%, set it to just 95.

Also make sure that the first line is:
#! /usr/bin/ksh

or whatever the path to your ksh is.
# 10  
Old 10-22-2002
Originally posted by Cameron
Thanks Auswipe, will try it tomorrow and I do appreciate the consideration.
However I don't know a scrap of perl and would really like to complete what I started with this script - I hope you understand.
Perfectly understantable.
# 11  
Old 10-22-2002
Cameron, from what I've gathered from other posts, you're using Mandrake Linux, correct?

Most likely what ksh you have installed is not "real" ksh. It's pdksh, which isn't quite as good as David Korn's ksh.

I usually dump that from my systems and install ksh93 instead.
# 12  
Old 10-22-2002
Originally posted by LivinFree
Cameron, from what I've gathered from other posts, you're using Mandrake Linux, correct?

Most likely what ksh you have installed is not "real" ksh. It's pdksh, which isn't quite as good as David Korn's ksh.

I usually dump that from my systems and install ksh93 instead.
Thanks LivinFree, I'll keep that in mind. I've not enjoyed Mandrake (at home) for the past three months. Sadly I went through three 10G HD's (dodgy) in the space of four months so I'm without a Linux/Unix system at home. The above posting is work related; on the various SCO 5.0.5 / Irix6.5 / Compaq True-64 / Slackware(*yuck-o*) systems.

The better part of my life suggested that I get some new HD's after we are married (2nd November) - so I'm having to wait. Smilie

Perderabo, thanks for the advice - worked a treat.
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