Grep issue

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# 8  
Old 03-21-2014
Hi Singh,

Thanks for the suggestions!!!

If i use the cron job to run my script everyday. I believe that i will recieve email automatically with existing script. I dont want to make any changes.

Is there any other way that i can design the script to recieve the email as soon as changes happened in the file??


In the time of interest how can i schedule the cron job??

I tried to go the path /usr/lib/con. But seems like i dont have permission to login to the path??Smilie


---------- Post updated at 04:21 AM ---------- Previous update was at 03:43 AM ----------

Sorry Singh!! you are correct. I need to modify the existing script to use the cron jobSmilie

Is there any other way to do without


Please help me!!!

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script(1)							   User Commands							 script(1)

script - make record of a terminal session SYNOPSIS
script [-a] [filename] DESCRIPTION
The script utility makes a record of everything printed on your screen. The record is written to filename. If no file name is given, the record is saved in the file typescript. See WARNINGS. The script command forks and creates a sub-shell, according to the value of $SHELL, and records the text from this session. The script ends when the forked shell exits or when Control-d is typed. OPTIONS
The following option is supported: -a Appends the session record to filename, rather than overwriting it. NOTES
script places everything that appears on the screen in filename, including prompts. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |Enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5) WARNINGS
script can pose a security risk when used in directories that are writable by other users (for example, /tmp), especially when run by a privileged user, that is, root. Be sure that typescript is not a link before running script. SunOS 5.10 30 Jan 2004 script(1)