Compare value in the last occurrence for each id

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Compare value in the last occurrence for each id
# 8  
Old 03-11-2014
I made the changes in 2 places, did you try with the code which I posted in #6?
This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 9  
Old 03-11-2014
Hello ahamed101,

Yes I did the changes in both sides and give empty value..
# 10  
Old 03-11-2014
I get the output though with the input you have given.
Check if this is correct. Which is your OS?

root@maximus-netpune-21:/tmp# awk '{
>        status=substr($0,91,2)
>        ind=substr($0,26,1);
>        split(substr($0, 11, 24-11), val,/\.0 /);
>        key[NR%2":"val[1]val[2]] = ind":"status
>      }
>      END{
>        for(i in key){
>          split(i, arr, /:/)
 >          split(key[i], brr, /:/)
>          if(!(brr[2] == 14 || brr[2] == 98)){
>            delete key[i]
>            continue
>          }
>          cnt[arr[2]]++
>       }
>       for(i in key){
>         split(i, arr, /:/)
>         split(key[i], brr, /:/)
>         print arr[2]" index "brr[1]" has "cnt[arr[2]]" times status "brr[2]
>       }
>     }' f | sort -k1,1n -u
2458520825 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2458720673 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2458720675 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2459320745 index 1 has 1 times status 98
2459320849 index 2 has 1 times status 14
2459720785 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2465120615 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2478121001 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2479921001 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2480320697 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2480320841 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2480520841 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2482920729 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2483321201 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2483521185 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2483521289 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2483521305 index 2 has 2 times status 14
2486920769 index 2 has 1 times status 98

This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 11  
Old 03-11-2014
Dear ahamed101
yes it works, sorry for my mistake.
I didn't see
split(i, arr, /:/)I appreciate your help.. Thanks a lot
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