How to provide auto inputs for a sub-script within a script?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to provide auto inputs for a sub-script within a script?
# 8  
Old 03-06-2014
Perhaps we could try the following variation:-
su - sybase -c "/var/tmp/db_tools <<EOT
EOT" >> logfile

Does that help?

# 9  
Old 03-06-2014
Or, perhaps using printf in place of echo?
# 10  
Old 03-06-2014

No below also not working it throws "Script aborted......."

su - sybase -c "/var/tmp/db_tools <<EOT
EOT" >> logfile

Else can we change the original script as suggested earlier in the thread.
My request are as follows :-

su - sybase

Whenever executed "/var/tmp/db_tools"
it should always run option "13. Healthcheck <Validation> Summary"
after this "0. Exit"
atlast "quit"

We can edit the attached db_tools.

Thank You


Last edited by madhur.baharani; 03-09-2014 at 12:56 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 11  
Old 03-06-2014
Okay, let's try to do one thing at a time. Can you become user sybase and then run:-
echo "13\n0" | /var/tmp/db_tools

What output do you get then?

Do you have to CNTL-C to cancel it still? Perhaps scott's suggestion would work better:-
printf "13\n0" | /var/tmp/db_tools

# 12  
Old 03-06-2014

I used below

su - sybase
printf "13\n0" | /var/tmp/db_tools

Yes, I have to CNTL-C to cancel it.

# 13  
Old 03-06-2014
Ctrl-C, or would Enter do? Try adding another \n after the 0. If that doesn't work, run the command manually and trace your steps.
# 14  
Old 03-06-2014
Hi Scott,

Initially the below code works and shows the output.

printf "13\n0\n" | /var/tmp/db_tools

But once it displays -> All checks completed!

It again loops for input and displays menu.
I guess it not taking "0" as exit and keep on loop

Press <Return> to continue:
Select the action you want to perform:

1. Tempdb Setup Validation
2. Veritas QIO Validation
3. Sybase Error Logs Validation
4. File Validation
5. Sybase Database Space Usage Validation
6. Sybase Database & Device Usage Listing
7. Advanced Sybase DBA Tools
8. Sybase Diagnostics & Instrumentation Administration
9. Sybase Diagnostics & Instrumentation Reports
10. Examine Configurable Shared Memory Dump (CSMD) Setup
11. Sybase Backup Validation
12. Restore Individual or All Application Databases from DB Dumps
13. Healthcheck <Validation> Summary

0. Exit

Enter your choice:
Script aborted.......



---------- Post updated at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:13 PM ----------


This one works fine.

printf "13\n\n0\n\nEXIT\n" | /var/tmp/db_tools

But how to perform below
su - sybase
printf "13\n\n0\n\nEXIT\n" | /var/tmp/db_tools

su - sybase -c "printf "13\n\n0\n\nEXIT\n" | /var/tmp/db_tools"


Last edited by madhur.baharani; 03-06-2014 at 12:21 PM..
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