Help with write a master script to automatic 1000 process

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# 1  
Old 03-04-2014
Help with write a master script to automatic 1000 process


I just random create 1000 folder which range from 0-20,000 . Inside all the folder, I have copy over the same program named as to run in each folder.

Can I know that how to write a master script to let it automatic run the "" in each different random folder create?

Some random folder create :

If just run the "" in one folder, I will use the following command :
sh > run_log

But it a bit tedious if I have 1000 different folder need automatic run the same program.

I was thinking do use "for ... do ... done ...", but I don't have much idea so far Smilie
# 2  
Old 03-04-2014
Why don't you, inside the loop, cd into the directory represented by the loop variable, sh > run_log, and then cd back to the parent dir, ready for the next loop?
# 3  
Old 03-04-2014
Unless we are missing something here your for .. do .. done loop will be like this:

for folder in [0-9]*
   if [ -d "$folder" ]
      cd "$folder"
      sh > run_log
      cd ..

Why copy to each folder?
You should be able to load the script from any path e.g. sh ../ > run_log or sh ~/bin/ > run_log.
Is each slightly different in some way?
# 4  
Old 03-04-2014
Hi RudiC,

I have thinking to do something like :
for f in 500/ 18805/ 641/ ......
cd $f
sh > run_log
cd ..

I just not sure is there any smarter way to edit the "for f in 500/ 18805/ 641/ ......
" instead of I list out all the 1000 folder name in first line?

Thanks for any advice.

---------- Post updated at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:13 PM ----------

Hi Chubler_XL,
sh > run_log

can only run and work in each folder separately.
It can't run at any other path. That was because the input file in each folder is slightly different. But they all must use "" to extract out the result.

I will try out your script.
Hope it works Smilie
# 5  
Old 03-04-2014
Originally Posted by perl_beginner
Hi Chubler_XL,
sh > run_log

can only run and work in each folder separately.
It can't run at any other path. That was because the input file in each folder is slightly different. But they all must use "" to extract out the result.

I will try out your script.
Hope it works Smilie
Where the script is loaded from has no bearing on what directory it runs in, if you change to directory ./1008 and run /usr/local/bin/ it will still execute in the 1008 folder even though the script is loaded from another folder. You will save yourself a lot of grief later if you keep 1 version of the script as you won't have to update 1000 different scripts for every change, try putting in a bin/ directory under your HOME and then run:

for folder in [0-9]*
   if [ -d "$folder" ]
      cd "$folder"
      sh $HOME/bin/ > run_log
      cd ..

I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 6  
Old 03-05-2014
Hi Chubler_XL,

Your idea is awesome Smilie
I'm trying out both of your advice.
It works fine so far ^_^

It is still running at the moment.

Thanks a lot and again.
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