Bad status in UNIX Script

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# 1  
Old 01-31-2014
Bad status in UNIX Script


sorry for my questions about that below script but i have an error that i don't understand.
It seems that my find command is not working fine but for me the command is ok

Thanks for your help
find: bad status-- –name
find: bad status-- ‘*’
find: bad status-- –mtime
find: bad status-- +1
find: bad status-- –exec
find: bad status-- rm
find: bad status-- {}
find: bad status-- ;


# About the script
# author       : Vision IT Group
# version      : 1.0
# date written : January 2014
# application  : delete -mtime +1 files in the apache_cache
################################ PATH ###########################################

DATUM1="$(date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S)"

################################ CODE ###########################################
#echo "find files to delete in the cache"
#echo "---------------------------------"
find "/usr/IBM/HTTPServer/apache_cache" –name ‘*’ –mtime +1 –exec rm {} \;

#Define Logfilename
echo "Clear done ..."$DATUM1 >> $LOG_FILE
echo "---------------------------------------" >> $LOG_FILE

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use code tags next time for your code and data..

Last edited by vbe; 01-31-2014 at 08:18 AM..
# 2  
Old 01-31-2014
Why different single quote characters?

-name ‘*'

Why are you using two different single-quote characters as the delimiters?
Or perhaps that was just how your script was copied into the message. But, I would try to use the ' character that is on the same key as the " character.
# 3  
Old 01-31-2014

thanks but the same result with simple quote ..Sorry also without quote

Thanks for your help
# 4  
Old 01-31-2014
What files are you trying to find?

The top of your script has a variable for NAME, but then your command to find appears to be looking for * or all files. Confused by this.
# 5  
Old 01-31-2014
The problem are the chars ‘ ’ – that are similar but different: the probelm occurs when copy and paste code in msoffice:
find /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/apache_cache -name \* -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;

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