Unable to unpack files with bunzip2 using while loop

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Unable to unpack files with bunzip2 using while loop
# 8  
Old 01-21-2014
As I suspected use following one

$ while IFS= read -r i; do bunzip2 "${i%$'\r'}" ; done<"file.lst"

# 9  
Old 01-21-2014
Hi ,

we are getting the same error. I think you are able to see my files , how they are.

//: No such file or directory.le ZH???????L52_TW1051___UPDATE.XML.ftpfail.bz2

what might me the reason. Is therr any other way to unzip files using loop

I tried
 while read i; do
 echo $i
 echo bunzip2 "$i" >>123.sh
 chmod 777 123.sh
 rm 123.sh
 done < file.lst;

it is also showing the same error...

Last edited by Franklin52; 01-21-2014 at 04:22 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 10  
Old 01-21-2014
Originally Posted by maroom
Hi ,

we are getting the same error. I think you are able to see my files , how they are.

//: No such file or directory.le ZH???????L52_TW1051___UPDATE.XML.ftpfail.bz2

what might me the reason. Is therr any other way to unzip files using loop

I tried

while read i; do
echo $i
echo bunzip2 "$i" >>123.sh
chmod 777 123.sh
rm 123.sh
done < file.lst;

it is also showing the same error...

Make it simple no need of 777

You can try if your interest is just to unzip files rather than unzipping specific files in a file.lst

for i in *.bz2; do
  bunzip2 $i

did you try post #8 ?
This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 11  
Old 01-21-2014
Yes I tried #8 I got the same error.
for i in *.bz2; do
  bunzip2 $i

this worked for me. but there will be lot of files which are failed, we need only few specific ones which needs to reprocessed.

I can do them also, by moving separately into a folder and try the above code. but it is a time consuming one.

we need a code that can be processed on one run.

how to run shell scripts as I mentioned in the previous post (123.sh). when I run simply as 123.sh and only one command in it, it is working fine.

in loop it is not working.

Thanks a lot for being helping. I was figuring out since yesterday.

help me in finding any other ways .

I used the below one but no use
for i in `cat file.lst`; do
bunzip2 $i

---------- Post updated at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous update was at 01:52 AM ----------

we have to change the file names from "*.xml.ftpfail" to ".xml"

and then ftp the files to another server.

Last edited by Franklin52; 01-21-2014 at 04:23 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 12  
Old 01-21-2014
#8 should work, don't know whats going wrong I have tested like this

[akshay@aix Stuff]$ cat test

[akshay@aix Stuff]$ od -c test
0000000   f   i   l   e   1   .   X   M   L   .   f   t   p   f   a   i
0000020   l   .   b   z   2  \r  \n   f   i   l   e   2   .   X   M   L
0000040   .   f   t   p   f   a   i   l   .   b   z   2  \r  \n   f   i
0000060   l   e   3   .   X   M   L   .   f   t   p   f   a   i   l   .
0000100   b   z   2  \r  \n   f   i   l   e   4   .   X   M   L   .   f
0000120   t   p   f   a   i   l   .   b   z   2  \r  \n

[akshay@aix Stuff]$ while IFS= read -r i; do tar -zcvf "${i%$'\r'}" test ; done<"test"

[akshay@aix Stuff]$ while IFS= read -r i; do ls "$i" ; done<"test"
: No such file or directory.ftpfail.bz2
: No such file or directory.ftpfail.bz2
: No such file or directory.ftpfail.bz2
: No such file or directory.ftpfail.bz2

[akshay@aix Stuff]$ while IFS= read -r i; do ls "${i%$'\r'}" ; done<"test"

It's problem with file.lst remove carriage return and use it

You can delete carriage return like this
$ tr -d '\r' <file.lst >newfile.lst


how to run shell scripts as I mentioned in the previous post (123.sh). when I run simply as 123.sh and only one command in it, it is working fine.
You can run like this
$ chmod +x scriptname
$ ./scriptname

$ sh scriptname

$ bash scriptname

$ ksh scriptname

depending on what shell you are using

Kindly use codetags

Last edited by Akshay Hegde; 01-21-2014 at 04:09 AM..
This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 13  
Old 01-21-2014
hi I got the issue
$  od -c file.lst
0000000   Z   H   K   2   6   S   Q   L   5   2   _   J   P   0   0   0
0000020   1   _   _   _   U   P   D   A   T   E   .   X   M   L   .   f
0000040   t   p   f   a   i   l   .   b   z   2  \r  \n   Z   H   K   2
0000060   6   S   Q   L   5   2   _   J   P   0   0   2   1   _   _   _
0000100   M   O   T   O   R   O   L   A   .   X   M   L   .   f   t   p
0000120   f   a   i   l   .   b   z   2  \r  \n   Z   H   K   2   6   S
0000140   Q   L   5   2   _   T   W   0   3   5   5   _   _   _   U   P
0000160   D   A   T   E   .   X   M   L   .   f   t   p   f   a   i   l
0000200   .   b   z   2  \r  \n   Z   H   K   2   6   S   Q   L   5   2
0000220   _   J   P   0   0   0   6   _   _   _   U   P   D   A   T   E
0000240   .   X   M   L   .   f   t   p   f   a   i   l   .   b   z   2

$ for i in `cat file.lst`; do
> bunzip2 $i
> done

I ran the above code... only one file has been unzipped that is the last file
Z   H   K   2   6   S   Q   L   5   2
0000220   _   J   P   0   0   0   6   _   _   _   U   P   D   A   T   E
0000240   .   X   M   L   .   f   t   p   f   a   i   l   .   b   z   2

for this file there is \r \n .. thats y it was processed.

can you help me in removing those hidden characters.

---------- Post updated at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:07 AM ----------

hi thanks a lot. let me try and let you know the results.

thank you very much for helping me..

---------- Post updated at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:09 AM ----------

Many a thanks . Issue resolved.

Can you give some precautions , what things can be done to avoid carriage return characters appended while copying to notepad from unix editor ?

Last edited by Franklin52; 01-21-2014 at 04:24 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 14  
Old 01-21-2014
Originally Posted by maroom
hi I got the issue

Many a thanks . Issue resolved.

Can you give some precautions , what things can be done to avoid carriage return characters appended while copying to notepad from unix editor ?
Before running program do any of the following

$ tr -d '\r' < infile > outfile

$ sed -i s/\r// infile

$ dos2unix infile

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