awk to find the number of occurrence

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# 1  
Old 01-16-2014
awk to find the number of occurrence

My file contains like this on 10 th line


awk '/NM1/{print NR}' *.dat

output is 10

awk '/NM1*IL*1*/{print NR}' *.dat

output is Nothing

but im expecting 10 on second code as well .
# 2  
Old 01-16-2014

you should use like as follows. we should remove the special meaning for * by using \* in the code.

awk '/NM1\*IL\*1\*/ {print NR}' check_dtaa_dtaa1211

R. Singh
This User Gave Thanks to RavinderSingh13 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-16-2014
thanks a lot . it helps !
# 4  
Old 01-16-2014
Originally Posted by Rajesh_us
My file contains like this on 10 th line


awk '/NM1/{print NR}' *.dat

output is 10

awk '/NM1*IL*1*/{print NR}' *.dat

output is Nothing

but im expecting 10 on second code as well .

print FNR instead of NR as your input is wildcard

$ awk '/pattern_to_search/{print FNR}' *.dat

This User Gave Thanks to Akshay Hegde For This Post:
# 5  
Old 01-16-2014
Thanks a lot
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