I am trying to match mulitple (3) variables. I found the sub given below on the web which works well when all vars are defined. But there are situations where one or two will not be defined (at least one will always be defined.)
Example of the variable content possibilities
$p = 1676:790 #works good with sub
$l = 1676:790
$r = 1676:790
$p = 1676:790 #works good with sub
$l = 1763:890
$r = 1676:790
$p = 1676:790 #doesnt work as expected.
$p = 1676:790 #doesnt work as expected. Gives the "not" response when It should actually be "ok."
$l = 1676:790
The sub found on the web.
If only one var is defined, then I dont want to do anything (no other var to compare)
If 2 or more vars are defined compare them, ignore the undefined.
What is known as variable substitution is your friend for such cases, you substitue a default value rather then ending with a variable not set.
Sorry I should have read to the end - Did not see you were in perl...
... But there are situations where one or two will not be defined (at least one will always be defined.)
If only one var is defined, then I dont want to do anything (no other var to compare)
If 2 or more vars are defined compare them, ignore the undefined.
If all 3 vars are defined compare them.
If only one var is defined, I assume you want to throw an exception.
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X 4T Solution 21 OCT 2011 37 .00
to account 12345678 User1 user2
X 4T Solution Solution Unlimited 11 Sep 2009 248 .00
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