awk Format

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# 1  
Old 01-05-2014
awk Format

Guys ,, pls .. need help with this ...

File 1
0A6C Not Visible            ???:?  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Grp'd      NR    5121
0A6D Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Grp'd      RW   33784
0A6E Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Grp'd      RW   33784
0A6F Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Grp'd      RW   33784
0A6F Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Grp'd      RW   33784
0A70 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd      RW   34816
0A71 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (M) RW  214988
0A72 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A73 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A74 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A75 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A76 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A79 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (M) RW  180180
0A7A Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A7B Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A7C Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A7D Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Grp'd      RW   46080

File 2

Output needed

Basically get the column 1 from file 2 where column 1(file2) = column 1(file1)
Also if $8 = (M) for the matched value , also get all the column 1 entries ( file2) with the below logic
from (M) to the next (M) or till $8 is not (m) or (M) get all $1 entries

# 2  
Old 01-05-2014
You have asked for our help writing awk scripts 40 times over the last five and a half years. It seems that the logic needed to solve this problem overlaps with some of your earlier requests. What have you tried so far?

What values (other than an empty string, (m), and (M)) can appear in the 8th column in your input file? Can the 9th column in your input file ever be an empty string, (m), or (M)? If the 9th column can be an empty string, can the 10th column ever contain (m) or (M)?
# 3  
Old 01-06-2014
I was able to get the result by doing a for loop ..and executing this for each line in file2 .. for example ....

cat /tmp/file1| nawk '{if($8=="(M)" || $8=="(m)") print $1,$8,$10}' |nawk '/(M)/{$0="\n"$0}1'|sed -e "/./{H;$!d;}" -e "x;/0A71 /!d;/-/!d" |awk '{print $1}' 
which would result in 

I was looking for easier option ... something like a one liner ....
If $8 is (M) ... get all the column1's till the $NF = "-"

# 4  
Old 01-06-2014
Hi, with your given sample something like this might work:

awk 'NR==FNR{A[$1]; next} $1 in A || $8=="(m)" || $8=="(M)"{delete A[$1]; print $1}' file2 file1

or perhaps also:
awk 'NR==FNR{A[$1]; next} $1 in A || NF==10 {delete A[$1]; print $1}' file2 file1

But maybe not with your actual file. Is it TAB-separated or fixed position ?
# 5  
Old 01-06-2014
Thx ...but its not working ....for example when looking for 0A71 in file 2 , $8 is (M)
so i need $1 from following

0A71 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (M) RW  214988
0A72 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A73 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A74 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A75 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -
0A76 Not Visible            ***:*  NA:NA  RDF1+TDEV     N/Grp'd  (m) RW       -

If $8 = (M) , print $1 till $NF !~ "-"

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