Trying to remove double quotes

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Trying to remove double quotes
# 8  
Old 01-06-2014
Originally Posted by Saanvi1
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone :-)

Thanks a bunch for the replies. This was very helpful.
I tried the code below and it is working fine for me. I wanted to check if there is a way to ignore the triming of field3. It is a description field and tr command below is causing the values to come as one word. I have given example below:

tr -d '" ' <input_file >output_file

" value1", "value2","This is a test","value4 "

This tr -d '" ' <input_file is making the out to look like this: --->simple since there is space so, if you remove space only double quotes will be considered as delete characters.


The description field value is somehow getting as one work the space is gone after the command is run.
# 9  
Old 01-06-2014
Delete only the space near the quotes:
sed 's/[[:space:]]*"[[:space:]]*//g' file

awk '{gsub(/[[:space:]]*"[[:space:]]*/,""); print}' file

The disadvantage of removing the quotes becomes visible with
"value1", "value2","Hello, world","value4"

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