Getopts option -please help

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# 1  
Old 12-17-2013
Getopts option -please help


I am using below code in AIX env to interpret -n option given in argument while executing the script .I want to give another argument -t
#set -x
while getopts ":n:" opt; do
    case "$opt" in
            shift 2

echo "host = $host "

I want to run script like ./ -n dev-u1 -t pref

How do I recognize second argument -t in the script
Additionally,if I place -t before -n and use script like below:

./  -t  perf -n dev-u1

would I have to change code for this?

Best regards,
# 2  
Old 12-17-2013
#set -x
while getopts ":n:t:" opt; do
    case "$opt" in

echo "host = $host targ = $targ"

Do not use shift, because getopts is already taking care of removing option-arguments.
$ ./ -n abc -t def
host = abc targ = def

This User Gave Thanks to hergp For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-17-2013
I also want to send the user an error message if the user doesn't input the
-n and -t correctly

-n is node name so I would ping this and if ping is working then its fine else an error message needs to be displayed to user that please input a valid host name .Similarly I want the user to input -t as pref or avail .If that doesn't happen then it should error out saying user that please input a valid value

Best regards,
# 4  
Old 12-17-2013
After the while...done loop you could write
if ping -w 2 $host >/dev/null 2>&1
    echo Host OK
    echo Bad Host $host

case "$targ" in
    pref|avail) echo targ OK;;
    *)    echo Bad argument to -t;;

This User Gave Thanks to hergp For This Post:
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