Need to grep this Data in proper format:- Please Guide

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# 1  
Old 12-09-2013
Need to grep this Data in proper format:- Please Guide

Hi Guys,
I need to grep below data in this format
backup_id = picoserver38_1212077050, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:10 (1212077050)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:04:10 (1214755450)
retention_level = 3, fragment = 2, file_num = 1
block_size = 262144, status = 0x0
media_id = ADC020, size = 0, data_start = 2
client_type = 13, copy_num = 1
sched_type = 0, flags = 0x0
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily
opt_extra = 0, mpx_headers = 1, res1 = 0
backup_id = picoserver38_1212076929, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:02:09 (1212076929)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:02:09 (1214755329)
retention_level = 3, fragment = 3, file_num = 2
block_size = 262144, status = 0x0
media_id = ADC020, size = 0, data_start = 108410
client_type = 13, copy_num = 1
sched_type = 0, flags = 0x0
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily
opt_extra = 0, mpx_headers = 2, res1 = 0

I could grep only this, media_id did not come here.
-bash-3.00$  sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -mcontents -m ADC020 -L | grep creation | grep -v 'media_id'
creation = 05/29/2008 18:02:09 (1212076929)
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:09 (1212077049)
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:10 (1212077050)
creation = 05/29/2008 18:02:09 (1212076929)
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:09 (1212077049)

Please Advise.
# 2  
Old 12-09-2013
 grep -E "^backup_id|^creation|^expiration|^policy|^sched_label" filename

This User Gave Thanks to pravin27 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-09-2013
Originally Posted by pravin27
 grep -E "^backup_id|^creation|^expiration|^policy|^sched_label" filename

But I need to run command which shows output and i want to grep that output in one go.

This is command i need to run
sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -mcontents -m ADC020 -L

It is showing below error in Solaris 10

-bash-3.00$ sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -mcontents -m ADC020 -L | grep -E "^backup_id|^creation|^expiration|^policy|^sched_label"
grep: illegal option -- E
Usage: grep -hblcnsviw pattern file . . .

# 4  
Old 12-09-2013
cat file | grep -E "backup_id|creation|expiration|policy|sched_label" | awk '{print "creation",$2,$3,$4,$5}' | grep -v 38_

This User Gave Thanks to phpshell For This Post:
# 5  
Old 12-09-2013
Originally Posted by phpshell
cat file | grep -E "backup_id|creation|expiration|policy|sched_label" | awk '{print "creation",$2,$3,$4,$5}' | grep -v 38_

Thanks showing below error in solaris 10

-bash-3.00$ cat ADC020  | grep -E "backup_id|creation|expiration|policy|sched_label"
grep: illegal option -- E
Usage: grep -hblcnsviw pattern file . . .

# 6  
Old 12-09-2013
sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -mcontents -m ADC020 -L | grep "^backup_id\|^creation\|^expiration\|^policy\|^sched_label"

 sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -mcontents -m ADC020 -L | /usr/sfw/bin/ggrep -E "^backup_id|^creation|^expiration|^policy|^sched_label"

This User Gave Thanks to pravin27 For This Post:
# 7  
Old 12-09-2013
Let me check, .....checking now.........

---------- Post updated at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:43 AM ----------

The first one did not produce any output, checking 2nd one.

---------- Post updated at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:47 AM ----------

Hey.It produce the output in follwoing way,
-bash-3.00$ sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -mcontents -m ADC020 -L | /usr/sfw/bin/ggrep -E "^backup_id|^creation|^expiration|^policy|^sched_label"
expiration = N.A (0)
backup_id = picoserver38_1212076929, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:02:09 (1212076929)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:02:09 (1214755329)
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily
backup_id = picoserver38_1212077049, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:09 (1212077049)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:04:09 (1214755449)
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily
backup_id = picoserver38_1212077050, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:10 (1212077050)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:04:10 (1214755450)
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily
backup_id = picoserver38_1212076929, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:02:09 (1212076929)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:02:09 (1214755329)
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily
backup_id = picoserver38_1212077049, version = 2
creation = 05/29/2008 18:04:09 (1212077049)
expiration = 06/29/2008 18:04:09 (1214755449)
policy = picoserver38_san
sched_label = picoserver38_full_daily

Can I produce it in column format or so with awk etc?
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