Sending an Automated Mail with a Condition

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Sending an Automated Mail with a Condition
# 15  
Old 12-05-2013
This is not the entire script's log, but it shows at least how the central conditional expression is looped through
+ [[ 05 -eq 05 ]]
+ [[ Thu = Thu ]]
+ [[ Dec = Dec ]]             # all three conditions TRUE --> print name
+ [[ 05 -eq 05 ]]
+ [[ Thu = Thu ]]
+ [[ December = Dec ]]        # third cond. failed, next loop iteration
+ [[ 06 -eq 05 ]]             # first cond. failed, skip rest, next iteration

So - there should be only one name printed to the output file.
# 16  
Old 12-05-2013
Originally Posted by Sreenadh
#Initial Variables
#get today's date & month
DAT=`(date '+%d')`
DAY=`(date '+%a')`
MON=`(date '+%b')`
while IFS=',' read name date day month year
set -x
if [ "$date" -eq "$DAT" -a "$day" = "$DAY" -a "$month" = "$MON" ]
set +x
   then echo $name
done < $IFILE > $OFILE
set -x
if [ -f $OFILE -a -s $OFILE ]
set +x
   sed -i '1i The following users celebrate their birthday:\n' $OFILE
   mailx -s "Birthday on: $DAT" $MAILID  < $OFILE
  # \rm $OFILE
   echo "Birthday mail sent"
   echo "No birthdays today"

This is the code i am executing & i am trying this in my office, dont have bash here! Smilie

---------- Post updated at 08:08 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:04 AM ----------

---------- Post updated at 08:09 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:08 AM ----------

Tried this IF condition buddy, but still the result is same Smilie
Is it because i am executing it in Ksh ? i cant do it in bash though!

u can go through the below link for more on if conditions hope u can find a way out
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