I have a text file that looks like this:
I've added in the lines to make it clear where one entry begins and the other ends but they are not in the original text file.
What I want to do for each station (in this example WP00) is to grab every second match of time value and replace that second match date and time with the close date and time from the two previous entries. Make sense?
To put this more explicitly I would like to loop over my stations (only one shown in the example) and grab out every second time match, in this example that would be the line:
time 10/28/2013 20:20:28
I want to use the date and time (10/28/2013 20:20:28) to replace the date and time from the two close statements before it:
so that for this example they would read:
I have fiddled with this for a few days trying to get it to work but can't seem to get something right. Right now I can grab out every second match of time with awk using:
awk '/time/ && !(++c%2)' file.txt
But wasn't sure the best way thereafter to go about replacing those values with the close statements. Remember I want to loop over the stations too so only the time values of the same stations are associated with each other.
I also tried:
awk 'NR==FNR{ if(/^close/){i++ if(i<3)a[NR]=$1FS$2FS$3 if(i==3) for(x in a) a[x]=a[x]FS$4FS$5 l=NR } next } FNR in a{$0=a[FNR]} FNR==l{$0=$1FS$2FS$3FS"12/31/2500 23:59:59"}7' file file
But I would really like to use csh and this only works for the first
entry not all of them.
I'm at a loss of what to do, can anyone give me any ideas of how to do this?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long-windedness
Moderator's Comments:
Code tags for code please.
Last edited by Corona688; 11-22-2013 at 05:10 PM..
If I understand correctly... You want to move all dates 'up'? The dates for entry 3 go into entry 2, the dates for entry 2 go into entry 1, etc? I can certainly understand why you're finding it so difficult to go back in time and reprocess lines you've already processed. When you need to look backwards like that, I would scan the file twice:
Note how inputfile is given twice. The first time the file is read, it goes into the { first pass code } block, where you can save whatever information you need. The second time it reads the file, it goes into { second pass code } where you can do the substituting and printing.
What I want to do is take the second matched time entry, in this case
and insert the date and time for the 2 previous close statements so instead of reading:
They read:
I want to use the time from the second station entry and put it in the close statement of the first station entries, does that make more sense? So the dates for entry 3 go into close date entries for 2 and 1. And if there was a date for entry 6 it would go into the close date/time for entries 5 and 4.
Scanning the file twice was why I tried the awk 'NR==FNR entry but I could only get it to work on the first entry and then it would quit. Any ideas how to modify it to get it to work in a loop or a piece of code that works to do this?
Last edited by Scrutinizer; 11-23-2013 at 03:37 AM..
Reason: code tags
Hmm...that doesn't seem to work, they are left unchanged in the first entry and stripped off of the second entry. I'm trying to think about how to maybe modify what you just put:
What I want the text file to look like is, it starts out like this:
and I want it to transform to this (for each station):
Is that more clear?
---------- Post updated at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:39 PM ----------
Your code is actually doing this to the file:
Last edited by Corona688; 11-22-2013 at 05:51 PM..
With a complete set of data to test on I found the error I think, it wasn't doing {next } for all lines in the first file, just the ones with time in them.
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