Perl split and add new line

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# 1  
Old 11-21-2013
Perl split and add new line

Hi All,

I find the below code printing the output of a particular field in same line, which i want it to be printed on a new line.
    foreach $defectRec (@outLs) {
      my($def_id,$status,$files_mod) = split(/,/, $defectRec);
      print "DEFECT ID: $def_id, Status: $status, Files Mod: $files_mod\r\n" if( defined ($debug) );

----CODE END----

OUTPUT when redirected to a CSV file prints as:
-----OUTPUT BEGIN------
DEFECT_ID Status Files_Modified
20222        Testing File1;File2;File3
20333        Testing File4;File6

-----OUTPUT END------

Am good with output but i want the column containing Files_Modified field to split as follows:

DEFECT_ID Status Files_Modified
20222        Testing File1;
20333        Testing File4;


As the output is redirected to a CSV file, please let me know how i can split values of Files_modified attribute to print in new line.


Last edited by Franklin52; 11-21-2013 at 10:36 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 11-21-2013
It's not the good part of perl code. the print line is execute only on debug mode and I expect output is:
DEFECT ID: 20222, Status: Testing, Files Mod: File1;File2;File3

# 3  
Old 11-22-2013
perl split and add new line

HI disedorgue,

Thanks for your reply. Is there a way i can redirect my output to a csv file as:

DEFECT ID Status: Files Mod
20222 Testing File1

# 4  
Old 11-24-2013
If I respect your code (change in red):
$ cat
@outLs=<>; # <= add line just for example (no need in your code)
    foreach $defectRec (@outLs) {
      my($def_id,$status,$files_mod) = split(/,/, $defectRec);
      print "DEFECT ID: $def_id, Status: $status, Files Mod: $files_mod\r\n" if( defined ($debug) );
      $_= $files_mod;
      $_=~ s/;/;\r\n  /g;
      print "$def_id $status $_";
} # <== idem first line

input example:
$ cat cc2cc.vv

and then:
$ perl cc2cc.vv
DEFECT_ID Status Files_Modified
20222 Testing File1;
20333 Testing File4;

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