Sort date time in ascending order

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Sort date time in ascending order
# 1  
Old 11-18-2013
Code Sort date time in ascending order


i had a data block (coming from pipe from other codes) as:
H  YF_CO.dat  77164  11/17/2013 04:00:02  731374590.96  1  1  731374590.96  76586  77164  578  2988  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  77164  11/17/2013 04:00:07  731374590.96  1  4  731374590.96  76586  77164  578  2988  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  77178  11/17/2013 04:00:07  731374590.96  2  4  731374590.96  76600  77178  578  3002  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  77178  11/17/2013 04:00:08  731374590.96  2  4  731374590.96  76600  77178  578  3002  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  77178  11/17/2013 04:15:11  731374590.96  2  4  731374590.96  76600  77178  578  3002  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  77195  11/16/2013 04:15:20  731374590.96  3  4  731374590.96  76617  77195  578  3019  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  77195  11/15/2013 04:00:08  731374590.96  3  4  731374590.96  76617  77195  578  3019  Y
H  YF_CO.dat  76444  11/17/2013 04:20:08  713606875.00  1  1  713606875.00  75822  76444  622  3310  Y

i wanted to sort the records along 4th and 5th column in ascending order of date and time using sort(or any other in that matter). I came a long way thru my code only at the end to realize that the way i am using sort ( sort -nk 5, i didn't try to sort the date but would be great if i cud take that into account too ) does not give me desired result. My constraint is that the solution must be as small as possible( great if i can use it to get input from a pipe and redirect to a text file) so that my already sizable code doesn't grow larger. I am using ksh shell in Solaris. I would appreciate any help in that matter.

# 2  
Old 11-18-2013
Try this
sort -k 4,5 your_file

or this (if you want to use a pipe)
... | sort -k 4,5

# 3  
Old 11-18-2013
while read line
echo -n "$line ";date -d "`echo $line | cut -d " " -f4,5`" '+%s'
done < filename | sort -n -k15 | awk 'NF=14'

# 4  
Old 11-18-2013
Make it
sort -k4.7,4.11 -k4,5 file

to be safe when crossing year end.
This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 5  
Old 11-18-2013
Data seems to contain leading blanks so sort should probably include -b:

sort -b -k4.7,4.10 -k4,5

These 2 Users Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 6  
Old 11-18-2013
Originally Posted by Chubler_XL
Data seems to contain leading blanks so sort should probably include -b:

sort -b -k4.7,4.10 -k4,5

-b ignores leading blanks, but, because of -k4,5, that sort is needlessly sensitive to the number of blanks between fields 4 and 5.

A more flexible approach:
sort -b -k4.7,4 -k4,4.5 -k5

This User Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
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