awk processing of variable number of fields data file

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# 1  
Old 11-15-2013
awk processing of variable number of fields data file


I need to post-process some data files which have variable (and periodic) number of fields. For example, I need to square (data -> data*data) the folowing data file:
 -5.34281E-28 -3.69822E-29  8.19128E-29  9.55444E-29  8.16494E-29  6.23125E-29
  4.42106E-29  2.94592E-29  1.84841E-29  1.09271E-29  6.08599E-30  3.19287E-30
  1.57732E-30  7.33449E-31  3.20866E-31  1.31982E-31  5.10059E-32  1.85021E-32
  6.29190E-33  2.00262E-33  5.95280E-34  1.64748E-34
 -5.34281E-28 -3.69822E-29  8.19128E-29  9.55444E-29  8.16494E-29  6.23125E-29
  4.42106E-29  2.94592E-29  1.84841E-29  1.09271E-29  6.08599E-30  3.19287E-30
  1.57732E-30  7.33449E-31  3.20866E-31  1.31982E-31  5.10059E-32  1.85021E-32
  6.29190E-33  2.00262E-33  5.95280E-34  1.64748E-34
 -5.34281E-28 -3.69822E-29  8.19128E-29  9.55444E-29  8.16494E-29  6.23125E-29
  4.42106E-29  2.94592E-29  1.84841E-29  1.09271E-29  6.08599E-30  3.19287E-30
  1.57732E-30  7.33449E-31  3.20866E-31  1.31982E-31  5.10059E-32  1.85021E-32
  6.29190E-33  2.00262E-33  5.95280E-34  1.64748E-34

The data is fitted into 6 columns, but depending on the requested precission, one might found he/she has also some lines with less number of columns.

For the processing, some newbie knowledge of awk suffice. In my case I use something like
awk '{printf("%12.8G %12.8G %12.8G %12.8G %12.8G %12.8G\n", $1*$1, $2*$2, $3*$3, $4*$4, $5*$5, $6*$6)}' >

which produces something like this
2.8545619E-55 1.3676831E-57 6.7097068E-57 9.1287324E-57 6.6666245E-57 3.8828477E-57
1.9545772E-57 8.6784446E-58 3.4166195E-58 1.1940151E-58 3.7039274E-59 1.0194419E-59
2.4879384E-60 5.3794744E-61 1.0295499E-61 1.7419248E-62 2.6016018E-63 3.423277E-64
3.9588006E-65 4.0104869E-66 3.5435828E-67 2.7141904E-68            0            0

Question #1: how can one eliminate the "0"s which awk produces? I've tried sed
sed 's/        0    /             /g' < >

but I can't remove the last 0 from each smaller line (i.e. fewer columns with real data); in this case I obtain something like this:
2.8545619E-55 1.3676831E-57 6.7097068E-57 9.1287324E-57 6.6666245E-57 3.8828477E-57
1.9545772E-57 8.6784446E-58 3.4166195E-58 1.1940151E-58 3.7039274E-59 1.0194419E-59
2.4879384E-60 5.3794744E-61 1.0295499E-61 1.7419248E-62 2.6016018E-63 3.423277E-64
3.9588006E-65 4.0104869E-66 3.5435828E-67 2.7141904E-68                         0

Question #2: How can I stop awk process a non existing data from a column? (in my case, the 5th and 6th "fields" from every 4 columns-only lines)

I thank you for your help!
# 2  
Old 11-15-2013
You could check explicitly check for every 4th line:
awk '
NR%4==0 { 4 columns stuff }
NR%4!=0 { 6 columns stuff}'

(EDIT: Or check NF==4/NF==6, as was suggested in a briefly-lived post Smilie)

Or just loop around the number of fields you actually have in each line:
awk '
   for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
      printf ("%12.8G ", $i*$i)
   printf "\n"

Last edited by CarloM; 11-15-2013 at 01:00 PM..
# 3  
Old 11-15-2013
Try also
awk '{print  $1*$1, $2*$2, $3*$3, $4*$4, $5?$5*$5:"", $6?$6*$6:""}' OFMT="%14.8G" file

# 4  
Old 11-15-2013
Yet another possibility:
 awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) $i*=$i}1' CONVFMT="%14.8G" file

# 5  
Old 11-15-2013
Thank you guys!

I've only implemented Scrutinizers suggestion, and it works well for me.

For CarloM: (I'm not an awk expert, but ...) can you please tell me where should I state in your second code what file should be processed? Thank you!
# 6  
Old 11-16-2013
You can redirect stdin as you did with with your sed command, or just specify the filename as in the other suggestions.
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