Why statement works in LINUX and not UNIX?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Why statement works in LINUX and not UNIX?
# 8  
Old 10-30-2013
I don't know exactly why bash came up, since your question is about ksh. On Linux (if ksh is installed) this is typically a recent version of ksh93 which supports the =~ syntax, whereas on many UNIX versions the default ksh is still ksh88, which does not. Both the 88 and 93 version support the == syntax. On UNIX there may be a ksh93 version available but that depends on that particular OS and version.

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 10-30-2013 at 11:02 AM..
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# 9  
Old 10-30-2013
Originally Posted by Scrutinizer
I don't know exactly why bash came up, since your question is about ksh. On Linux (if ksh is installed) this is typically a recent version of ksh93 which supports the =~ syntax, whereas on many UNIX versions the default ksh is still ksh88, which does not. Both the 88 and 93 version support the == syntax. On UNIX there may be a ksh93 version available but that depends on that particular OS and version.
Thank you! this was really helpful. It all makes sense now. My UNIX is ksh88.
# 10  
Old 10-30-2013
Originally Posted by rdogadin
Thank you all for your replies. I guess one thing I am confused about is if I run my script under Korn Shell (#!/bin/ksh) on both unix and linux then why does it matter if I have BASH installed and what version of BASH I have?
Not all versions of BASH have =~ either, just very new ones.

You are unlikely to have Korn installed on Linux unless you specifically ask for it to be installed, either.

KSH88 is a very popular variant of KSH for some reason, even though it lacks what I consider basic features ( i.e. substrings ).
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