Shell script help [was Tanmoy]

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Shell script help [was Tanmoy]
# 1  
Old 10-28-2013
Shell script help [was Tanmoy]

Below is the line
GMDCOM.27936 [Tue Oct  1 13:32:40 2013]: Process Request <36812974>

i want to display
[Tue Oct  1 13:32:40 2013]: Process Request <36812974>

in a new file using shell script.
Please help me.

Last edited by Scott; 10-28-2013 at 09:36 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 10-28-2013

Could you please try following code.

sed 's/GMDCOM.27936 //g' new_line_new_file > Output_needed

Let us say our input file is new_line_new_file and output file is Output_needed.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 10-28-2013

[Tue Oct 1 13:32:40 2013]: Process Request <36812974>

This above one should be the first line.

Any line before this line not to be displayed and skipped. totally. But there are 3 more than before that which is getting displayed with your code.

---------- Post updated at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:46 PM ----------

[Tue Oct 1 13:32:40 2013]: Process Request <36812974>

This above one should be the first line.

Any line before this line not to be displayed and skipped. totally. But there are 3 more lines before that which is getting displayed using your code.

Last edited by ghosh_tanmoy; 10-28-2013 at 09:17 AM.. Reason: Wrong input
# 4  
Old 10-28-2013

Could you please post the exact Input as well as desired Output for same. It will be easier for us to help you.

R. Singh
# 5  
Old 10-28-2013
1. Please follow forum rules, "Tanmoy" is not a useful thread title.

2. If you want help instead of us playing guessing games, please show an example of
actual input, and expected output. You original post said nothing about "3 lines"
# 6  
Old 10-28-2013
Input file lets say abc.log contains the below lines.

[Tue Oct  1 13:28:23 2013]: file reopened from GMDCOM with PID <27936>.
[Tue Oct  1 13:28:23 2013]: GMDCOM: Process <27936> created a running file.
GMDCOM [Tue Oct  1 13:28:24 2013]: DELTA MODE Flag OFF!
GMDCOM.27936 [Tue Oct  1 13:32:40 2013]: Process Request <36812974>

I want to skip the first 3 lines and start displaying from the 4th line in the new file.
But the output file will only contain the date, time and process request as given below.
[Tue Oct  1 13:32:40 2013]: Process Request <36812974>

Last edited by Scott; 10-28-2013 at 09:32 AM.. Reason: Code tags
# 7  
Old 10-28-2013

Please use the following code.

awk 'NR==4 {print substr($0,15) }' test_data1211

Let us say test_data1211 is the input file.

R. Singh

Last edited by RavinderSingh13; 10-28-2013 at 09:42 AM.. Reason: Edited for correct line 4th line previously it was for 3rd line.
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