Find every directory named XYZ under the DVLP directory

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Find every directory named XYZ under the DVLP directory
# 8  
Old 10-16-2013
You could:
find DVLP -type d -name XYZ -print0 | xargs -0 -IREPL find REPL -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.file" | xargs grep -l Status

You could also just run it directly from the second find command:
find DVLP -type d -name XYZ -print0 | xargs -0 -IREPL find REPL -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.xml" -exec grep -l Status {} \;

EDIT: I changed the xargs string to something else as otherwise it's confused with find's exec string.

Last edited by CarloM; 10-16-2013 at 03:59 PM..
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hardlink(1)						      General Commands Manual						       hardlink(1)

hardlink - Consolidate duplicate files via hardlinks SYNOPSIS
hardlink [-c] [-n] [-v] [-vv] [-h] directory1 [ directory2 ... ] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents hardlink, a program which consolidates duplicate files in one or more directories using hardlinks. hardlink traverses one or more directories searching for duplicate files. When it finds duplicate files, it uses one of them as the mas- ter. It then removes all other duplicates and places a hardlink for each one pointing to the master file. This allows for conservation of disk space where multiple directories on a single filesystem contain many duplicate files. Since hard links can only span a single filesystem, hardlink is only useful when all directories specified are on the same filesystem. OPTIONS
-c Compare only the contents of the files being considered for consolidation. Disregards permission, ownership and other differ- ences. -f Force hardlinking across file systems. -n Do not perform the consolidation; only print what would be changed. -v Print summary after hardlinking. -vv Print every hardlinked file and bytes saved. Also print summary after hardlinking. -h Show help. AUTHOR
hardlink was written by Jakub Jelinek <>. Man page written by Brian Long. Man page updated by Jindrich Novy <> BUGS
hardlink assumes that its target directory trees do not change from under it. If a directory tree does change, this may result in hardlink accessing files and/or directories outside of the intended directory tree. Thus, you must avoid running hardlink on potentially changing directory trees, and especially on directory trees under control of another user. hardlink(1)