Runtime input

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Old 10-16-2013
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Thank u vgesh99 It works well.. (1 Reply)
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QCATOOL(1)						Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)						QCATOOL(1)

qcatool - command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture DESCRIPTION
qcatool is a command line tool for performing various cryptographic operations with the Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA). qcatool can also be used for testing and debugging QCA. USAGE
qcatool has a range of options and commands. You only ever get to use one command, but you may use several, one or no options. OPTIONS
As noted above, these are all optional, and may be combined. --pass=PASSWORD Specify the password to use. This is probably a bad idea except for testing, because anyone can read the arguments to a command line application. --newpass=PASSWORD Specify the new password to use for password change with the key changepass and keybundle changepass commands. This is probably a bad idea except for testing, because anyone can read the arguments to a command line application. --nonroots=CERTIFICATES Specify additional certificates, not trusted, but which may be used in the trust path if appropriate trust can be established. --roots=CERTIFICATES Specify additional certificates which can be used as trusted (root) certificates. --nosys Disable use of the standard root certificates that are provided by the operating system. --noprompt Disable prompting for passwords/passphrases. If you do not provide the passphrase on the command line (with --pass or --newpass) this will cause qcatool to abort the command if a password/passphrase is required. --ordered If outputting certificate information fields (Distinguished Name and Subject Alternative Name), show them in same the order that they are present in the certificate rather than in a friendly sorted order. --debug Enable additional output to aid debugging. --log-file=FILENAME Log to the specified file. --log-level=LEVEL Log at the specified level. The log level can be between 0 (none) and 8 (most). --nobundle When S/MIME signing, do not bundle the signer's certificate chain inside the signature. This results in a smaller signature output, but requires the recipient to have all of the necessary certificates in order to verify it. COMMANDS
help, --help, -h Output usage (help) information. version, --version, -v Output version information. plugins List available plugins. Use the --debug option to get more information on plugins which are found and which ones actually loaded. config save [provider] Save provider configuration. Use this to have the provider's default configuration written to persistent storage, which you can then edit by hand. config edit [provider] Edit provider configuration. The changes are written to persistent storage. key make rsa|dsa [bits] Create a key pair key changepass [K] Add/change/remove passphrase of a key cert makereq [K] Create certificate request (CSR) cert makeself [K] Create self-signed certificate cert makereqadv [K] Advanced version of 'makereq' cert makeselfadv [K] Advanced version of 'makeself' cert validate [C] Validate certificate keybundle make [K] [C] Create a keybundle keybundle extract [X] Extract certificate(s) and key keybundle changepass [X] Change passphrase of a keybundle keystore list-stores List all available keystores keystore list [storeName] List content of a keystore keystore monitor Monitor for keystore availability keystore export [E] Export a keystore entry's content keystore exportref [E] Export a keystore entry reference keystore addkb [storeName] [cert.p12] Add a keybundle into a keystore keystore addpgp [storeName] [key.asc] Add a PGP key into a keystore keystore remove [E] Remove an object from a keystore show cert [C] Examine a certificate show req [req.pem] Examine a certificate request (CSR) show crl [crl.pem] Examine a certificate revocation list show kb [X] Examine a keybundle show pgp [P|S] Examine a PGP key message sign pgp|pgpdetach|smime [X|S] Sign a message message encrypt pgp|smime [C|P] Encrypt a message message signencrypt [S] [P] PGP sign & encrypt a message message verify pgp|smime Verify a message message decrypt pgp|smime ((X) ...) Decrypt a message (S/MIME needs X) message exportcerts Export certs from S/MIME message ARGUMENTS
The arguments to the commands are as follows. K = private key. C = certificate. X = key bundle. P = PGP public key. S = PGP secret key. E = generic entry. These must be identified by either a filename or a keystore reference ("store:obj"). AUTHOR
qcatool was written by Justin Karneges as part of QCA. This manual page was written by Brad Hards. qcatool 1.0.0 August 2007 QCATOOL(1)