Help....script check status if see something then send email

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help....script check status if see something then send email
# 1  
Old 10-14-2013
Help....script check status if see something then send email

autorep -m bogus

Machine Name Max Load Current Load Factor O/S Status
___________ ________ ___________ ______ ________ ______
bogus --- --- 1.00 Sys Agent Online


The "Status" always "Online". I like create a script execute run 24/24 with command "break" and check if see not "Online" if see (Offline, Missing, Unqualified.....etc) then send out email. Can someone help on this code syntax....I can't make it work. Thanks


CHECK_MACHINE=`autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | grep -v "Online"

##for file in ${CHECK_MACHINE}

while true

CHECK_MACHINE=autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | grep -v "Online"

if [ ${CHECK_MACHINE} = Offline|Missing|Unqualified] 
sleep 10; echo "Check the agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]" | 
    mailx -s "WARNING --The agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]"

Last edited by jim mcnamara; 10-14-2013 at 04:37 PM..
# 2  
Old 10-14-2013
CHECK_MACHINE=autorep -m bogus | 
awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | egrep -q '(Offline|Missing|Unqualified)'
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
sleep 10; echo "Check the agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]" | 
    mailx -s "WARNING --The agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]"


try that - I left out break because the code is not in a loop. That I can see anyway.
# 3  
Old 10-14-2013
cat abc.ksh
CHECK_MACHINE=autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | egrep 'Offline|Missing|Unqualified'
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
sleep 10; echo "Check the agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]" | mailx -s "WARNING --The agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]"

Not sure what's cause run the code "-m: not found", but run every command line work fine.
cat abc.ksh
CHECK_MACHINE=autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | egrep 'Offline|Missing|Unqualified'
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
sleep 10; echo "Check the agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]" | mailx -s "WARNING --The agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]"

./abc.ksh[3]: -m: not found

autorep -m bogus
Machine Name Max Load Current Load Factor O/S Status
________________________________________________________________________________ __________ ____________ _______ ___________ ______
bogus --- --- 1.00 Sys Agent Missing

autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}'

autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3'

autorep -m bogus | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | egrep 'Offline|Missing|Unqualified'

Last edited by dotran; 10-14-2013 at 06:33 PM..
# 4  
Old 10-18-2013
Finally I got this code work, but I want apply to multiple servers but seem not loop can somehelp check the syntax on this. Thanks


#for SER in $SERVERS
CHECK_MACHINE=`autorep -m server1 | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | egrep 'Offline|Missing|Unqualified'`
while true
CHECK_MACHINE=`autorep -m server1 | awk '{print $NF}' | awk 'NR>3' | egrep 'Offline|Missing|Unqualified'`
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
sleep 10; echo "Check the agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]" | 
mailx -s "WARNING --The agent is [${CHECK_MACHINE}]"
exit 1

# 5  
Old 10-18-2013
If you want your script to loop, don't exit it. And, awk will return status 0 even if no pattern found, unless told otherwise. I can't test this, as I don't have autorep available, but try
SERVERS="server1 server2 server3"
while :
  do for S in $SERVERS
       do CM=$(autorep -m $S |
               awk  'NR<3                          {next}
                     /Offline|Missing|Unqualified/ {print $1, $NF; exit}
                                                   {exit 1}
                    ') &&     
          { echo "check the agent is $CM"
            echo "mailx -s Warning $CM"; } ||
          sleep 10

You may want to rephrase the echoed texts, and remove the echo in front of the mailx command...

Last edited by RudiC; 10-18-2013 at 03:59 PM..
# 6  
Old 10-18-2013
With a list separated by pipes you'd need to change the shell's internal field separator to use it in a for loop.

$ SERVERS="svr1|svr2|svr3";  for SER in $SERVERS; do echo $SER; done
$ IFS='|'; SERVERS="svr1|svr2|svr3";  for SER in $SERVERS; do echo $SER; done; unset IFS

# 7  
Old 10-18-2013
Thanks RudiC and CaloM,

But seem like not work with pipes or with space on autorep -m "bogus|mirage"

autorep -m bogus
Machine Name Max Load Current Load Factor O/S Status
________________________________________________________________________________ __________ ____________ _______ ___________ ______
bogus --- --- 1.00 Sys Agent Missing
autorep -m "bogus|mirage"
CAUAJM_E_50111 Invalid Machine Name: bogus|mirage
autorep -m mirage
Machine Name Max Load Current Load Factor O/S Status
________________________________________________________________________________ __________ ____________ _______ ___________ ______
mirage 100 0 1.00 Sys Agent Online
SERVERS="server1 server2 server3"
while :
do for S in $SERVERS
do CM=$(autorep -m $S |
awk 'NR<3 {next}
/Offline|Missing|Unqualified/ {print $1, $NF; exit}
{exit 1}
') &&
{ echo "check the agent is $CM"
echo "mailx -s Warning $CM"; } ||
sleep 10

Last edited by dotran; 10-18-2013 at 06:03 PM..
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