Output pipes and incrementing

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# 1  
Old 10-11-2013
Output pipes and incrementing

Hi... Basically, mycode does following:
it loops through every file in directory and gets second lines of those files (second lines contains IPs).

Then it creates a new file with IP which is greater than other IPs.
I have two problems:
1) when I echo for checking A B C D there are nothing...Why? how to fix it?
2) how create a new IP if i need to check all files....Can I check last file which I created and relating to that last IP just increment it? So basically I have find maximum third oct and then fourth oct. But how to do it?
the maximum of third oct and fourth oct is 254.
So for example:
I have three files:
file1 Katty
file2 Manu
file3 Chris

So when I run sh mycode, I will have file

for f in $FILES
secondline=` sed -n '2p' $f `
echo  $secondline | IFS="." read A B C D
#echo $A
#echo $B
#echo $C
#echo $D
if  [  $D -ne 255 ]
D=` expr $D + 1 `

C=`expr $C + 1 `

echo $A.$B.$C.$D.


Last edited by Scott; 10-11-2013 at 05:34 PM.. Reason: This is much a continuation of your previous thread. Closed.
# 2  
Old 10-11-2013

Could you please post the requirement clearly, with input and proper required output please.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 10-11-2013
Originally Posted by RavinderSingh13

Could you please post the requirement clearly, with input and proper required output please.

R. Singh
Hi, thanks for replying.

I have three files in the directory /Users/Manu/files/*:
->cat file1
-> cat file2
->cat file3

I run
->sh mycode

Output: I have newfile in the same directory:
->cat newfile

( Little explanation: Basically , I find max in third oct then check fourth oct and increment fourth oct if it is not 254. If it is the increment third oct and fourth oct becomes 0 and echo in new file. p.s. no awk please)

Last edited by Manu1234567; 10-11-2013 at 04:04 PM..
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