Reset while loop to loop same file multiple times

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# 1  
Old 10-09-2013
Reset while loop to loop same file multiple times

I want to read file multiple times. Right now i am using while loop but that is not working.

While read line
    while read line2
           echo stmt1
            #processing some data based on data.,
     done < file2.txt
done < file1.txt  # This will have 10 records,

First while loop running 10 times but inter while loop is only executed 1 time , 2nd time it is not reading same file. I assume that is because same file already looped. want to overcome this issue.

Please suggest some solution.


Last edited by Franklin52; 10-09-2013 at 11:04 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 2  
Old 10-09-2013

Could you please give your exact requirement please.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 10-09-2013
You want to read what file multiple times?

You could consider adding a third loop. Where you add it depends on which file(s) you want to read multiple times.

for n in {1..10}; do
  while ...
    while ...
    done < file2
  done < file1

# 4  
Old 10-09-2013
Works for me. Outer loop reads a line from file1 then reads a line from file2 and so on:

while read file1;do echo $file1;while read file2;do echo $file2;done < file2;done < file1
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.
This is file #1.
This is file #2.

# 5  
Old 10-09-2013
Originally Posted by in2nix4life
Works for me.
Good point!

I missed the statement:
but inter while loop is only executed 1 time
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