Finding an average

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Finding an average
# 8  
Old 10-09-2013
I m using Mac Pro..... So it gives you information what I am using i guess....
But as long as you recommend the strategy or what i have to add then you do not need to rewrite my code.

Basically, This is my piece of code..I just think that we can add smth for case with rows of numbers in file.
One more thing:
for example we have file1 and file2:
cat file1
-> 13 4 6 7 3
cat file2
-> 3

so when i run my code:
sh average file1 file2
->10 (WHICH is average of all numbers)
i can have many files with numbers in rows or columns or both. Space between numbers also can be double or triple etc. Hope u help me.
I thought also to add to while loop tr ' \n ' ' , ' and tr ' ' ' , ' Smilie

    if [ -z "$1" ];
  then echo "No user input";

check $1

for i in $*
echo $i
    if [ -f $i ]
        while read line        
  n=` expr $n + 1 `
           sum=` expr $sum + $line `
                         done < $i

           sum=` expr $sum + $i `
         n=` expr $n + 1 `


 average=$(echo "scale=3; $sum/$n" | bc -l )
        #  average=` expr $sum / $n `
          echo $average

Last edited by Manu1234567; 10-09-2013 at 10:22 PM..
# 9  
Old 10-10-2013
For your above files,
echo scale=2";" "(" $(cat file{1..2}|tr -s ' \n' '+') "0)" / $(cat file{1..2}|wc -w) | bc

will do.
# 10  
Old 10-10-2013
Thank uSmilie One more thing it is more relating to the input from pipes...for example
echo 5 3 | sh my_code. What I need to add to my code for accepting input from pipes? Would appreciate if you tell what I need to add in my piece of code...thanks

    if [ -z "$1" ];
  then echo "No user input";

check $1
for i in $*
          if [ -f $i ]
                  while read line
                       for j in $line

                           n=` expr $n + 1 `
                           sum=` expr $sum + $j `
                                        done< $i
                    sum=` expr $sum + $i `
                    n=` expr $n + 1 `


         average=$(echo "scale=2; $sum/$n" | bc -l )
        # average=` expr $sum / $n `
         echo $average

# 11  
Old 10-11-2013
You never did answer my question about what shell you're using and whether or not you had access to a 1993 or later version of the Korn shell. You've said you're using a Mac, so if you're using a recent version of OS X you do have a recent Korn shell. Translating your script to just use ksh built-ins (and adding a little structure to your indentation), the following Korn shell script seems to do what you want without all of the invocations of expr and bc:
n=0                                             # initialize number of numbers
sum=0                                           # initialize sum of numbers
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
then    for i in $*                             # Process command line args
        do      if [ -f $i ]
                then    while read line         # read from file named by arg
                        do      for j in $line  # for each number on the line
                                do      ((n++)) # increment count and update sum
                                        ((sum += j))
                        done < $i
                else    ((sum += i))            # process command line number
else    while read line                         # Process numbers from stdin
        do      for j in $line
                do      ((n++))
                        ((sum += j))
average=$(( (sum + 0.0) / n))                   # calculate average
printf "%.2f\n" $average                        # round to 2 decimal places

Obviously, there should be some verification that arguments that are not filenames on the command line and that data read from files (including standard input) is numeric data, but I'll leave that as an excercise for the reader. If there are no command line operands, this script will read data from standard intput. In this case, it does not care if the standard input is from the user typing at a terminal, redirected from a file, or a pipe.

The logic in this script follows the same logic used in your last script except that it reads from standard input instead of printing a diagnostic message if there are no operands given to your script.
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